He entered the building by a side door.为什么介词是by而不是fromThe boy insisted that he _____ the money and he _____ at once.A not steal;be set free B hadn't stolen;be set free C didn't steal;should be set free D hadn't stolen;set free 为
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 12:56:04
He entered the building by a side door.为什么介词是by而不是fromThe boy insisted that he _____ the money and he _____ at once.A not steal;be set free B hadn't stolen;be set free C didn't steal;should be set free D hadn't stolen;set free 为
He entered the building by a side door.
The boy insisted that he _____ the money and he _____ at once.
A not steal;be set free B hadn't stolen;be set free C didn't steal;should be set free D hadn't stolen;set free
He entered the building by a side door.为什么介词是by而不是fromThe boy insisted that he _____ the money and he _____ at once.A not steal;be set free B hadn't stolen;be set free C didn't steal;should be set free D hadn't stolen;set free 为
1.那句话的意思是“他由一个旁门进入了那个建筑”.by是“通过,经由,用”之类的意思,by the door是固定用法,不理解的话记住就行了.from是“从”的意思,一般用于“从某处到某处的意思”里,enter the building from the door的意思成了“从门进入建筑”,这个语法不通.有人或许也觉得通,那是因为某些汉语方言的影响,在这里的“从”成了“通过”的意思,那也是用by.补充一点,这里的“通过”不是through、via、across之类的意思,给你举个例子,“他通过小赵认识了钱局长”,是这个“通过”的意思.
2.间接引用一般现在时要变成一般过去时.然而,这里用的是insist,它当“坚持做sth”讲时,后面要用虚拟语气,一般过去时就成了过去完成时.好像insist之类的词用于虚拟语气后面接should do,should可以省略.具体对不对记不清了,反正有一些情况后面接should do,should可以省略,你们应该早晚会讲到,建议你去问老师,不仅印象深刻,而且说不定老师会赞赏你好学好问呢~
需要说明的是,第二题考察的其实不是shall的用法,而是虚拟语气或一种后面接should do,should可以省略的情况.至于shall的用法,这里不可能给你讲清楚,不过你还是可以弄明白的.情态动词作为高考重中之重,老师必然会讲好几遍,课本后面的grammar部分也一定会有专题或一个一个的词的介绍(我忘了是哪本书了~).只弄懂大部分和重点就行了,因为太复杂太深对中学生要求不高.你要想弄好,建议你借一本高三的二轮复习资料,里面有专题讲解,应该很详细(建议你多借几本,相互补充,而且有的资料由于自身特点讲得不详细).