All of a sudden,we were caught in the rain需要翻译,如果能解释为什么用were caught in the rain就更好了
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 19:39:47
All of a sudden,we were caught in the rain需要翻译,如果能解释为什么用were caught in the rain就更好了
All of a sudden,we were caught in the rain
需要翻译,如果能解释为什么用were caught in the rain就更好了
All of a sudden,we were caught in the rain需要翻译,如果能解释为什么用were caught in the rain就更好了
突然,我们淋雨了.be/get caught in 是遇到的意思,含有突然的意味,当然,用were caught in the rain更好.
all of a sudden
用all of a sudden造句
请讲解一下All of a sudden
All of a sudden 的译文
English people think that we Chinese end our visits to friends all of a sudden.
All of the sudden
求all of a sudden用法一定要放句中么?有all of sudden么?
All of a sudden,I feel a little bit tired.
all of a sudden,as during分别是什么意思,并造句?
英文词组高手come on词组all of a sudden
All of a sudden,the door shut等于什么
all of a sudden这组词组什么意思?
suddenly除了等于all of a sudden 还等于什么?
I feel tired all of a sudden 翻译下
求翻译 all of a sudden her disability disappeared
all of a sudden to see уou again
We climbed a tree,and all of a sudden it _______ to us that we were rather big to be up in 求详解We climbed a tree,and all of a sudden it _______ to us that we were rather big to be up in a tree.A.struck B.lighted C.occurred D.came4.Written in a