He thought about his vacatiom plan for a long time.F he decided to go hiking in Tibet填写F开头的单词.
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 20:27:14
He thought about his vacatiom plan for a long time.F he decided to go hiking in Tibet填写F开头的单词.
He thought about his vacatiom plan for a long time.F he decided to go hiking in Tibet
He thought about his vacatiom plan for a long time.F he decided to go hiking in Tibet填写F开头的单词.
he thought only about his work急用
He was sad,and his thought about future was very somber.
He sadiy waiked away and thought ____to tell his mother about it
改错:He thought about go to Greece.
he thought about it hard 还是hardly?
He did not care空空what his friends thought about him选什么啊A more themBany moreCno longer
他一边又一遍的考虑他的问题学生He thought about his problem students____ ____ ___ ____
he thought hard about it hard about 是什么?
He thought about his vacatiom plan for a long time.F he decided to go hiking in Tibet填写F开头的单词.
His mother thought about coming back home e____
The more he thought about it ,the more questions he thought of ask.有一个错误,
I thought Tony would say something about his school report,but he ___itA .does not mention B.had not mentionde C.did not mention D.has not mentioned
He did not care _what his friend thought about him.A more than B any more C no longer D no more
When the Titanic sank ,he only thought about how to save Rose.His actions changed the movie into more than just a love story.
选词填空.并说为什么.he is always (thinks hinking hought) about his parents.可是thinking不是进行时吗?还特别有always这个频率词
he sit ( )his desk all day ( )his head( )his hands.he is keep in thought.
He thought about it for a few days
At last he told his mistake to his mother____ he thought he was _____