英语翻译1.It is imperative that top management be openly committed to ethical behavior,and that they communicate this commitment through their own personal actions as well through company policies,directives,and punishment/reward systems.2.In 198

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 00:28:31

英语翻译1.It is imperative that top management be openly committed to ethical behavior,and that they communicate this commitment through their own personal actions as well through company policies,directives,and punishment/reward systems.2.In 198
1.It is imperative that top management be openly committed to ethical behavior,and that they communicate this commitment through their own personal actions as well through company policies,directives,and punishment/reward systems.
2.In 1988 employees of several prominent Wall Street investment banking houses were sentenced to prison terms for illegally using insider information on proposed mergers for their own personal gain,and E.F.Hutton,the stock brokerage firm,lost its independence through a forced merger after it was convicted of cheating its banks out millions of dollars in a checking kiting scheme.
3.Drexel Burnham Lambert recently agreed to a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for alleged securities-law violations in connection with the operations of its junk bond department.
4.In less developed countries,it is very difficult to determine which industries are the infants capable of achieving economic maturity and therefore deserving protection.
5.Banks create credit,because the money they lend,from their deposits,is generally spent either on goods or services,or to settle debts,and in this way transferred to another bank account-often by way of bank transfer or a check rather than the use of notes or coins- from where it can be lent to another borrower,and so on.
6.Consumers are responding favorably to direct marketers’ toll-free phone numbers,their willingness to accept telephone orders at night and on weekends,and their commitment to customer service.
7.A firm’s commitment to business ethics can be measured by the tendency of the firm and its employees to adhere to laws and regulations relating to product safety and quality,fair employment practices,fair marketing and selling practices,the use of confidential information for personal gain,community involvement,bribery,and illegal payments to foreign governments to obtain business.
8.Temporarily shielding young domestic firms from the severe competition of foreign firms will give infant industries a chance to develop and become efficient producers.
9.In some European countries there have always been universal banks combining deposit and loan banking with share and bond dealing and investment services.
10.Deregulation in the USA and Britain is leading to the creation of “financial supermarkets” ,conglomerates combining the services previously offered by banks,stockbrokers,insurance companies,and so on.
11.Projects of wider scope are handled by cross-functional teams with representatives from the organization’s different divisions.

英语翻译1.It is imperative that top management be openly committed to ethical behavior,and that they communicate this commitment through their own personal actions as well through company policies,directives,and punishment/reward systems.2.In 198
3.近日,就其垃圾债券部被指违反证券法一案,Drexel Burnham Lambert同意与证交会达成和解.
