int day,month,year,sum,leap; 为什么定义这即个都是什么意思?please input 【程序4】 输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天?1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/23 05:06:03

int day,month,year,sum,leap; 为什么定义这即个都是什么意思?please input 【程序4】 输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天?1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加
int day,month,year,sum,leap; 为什么定义这即个都是什么意思?please input
int day,month,year,sum,leap;
printf("\nplease input year,month,day\n");
 case 1:sum=0;break;
 case 2:sum=31;break;
 case 3:sum=59;break;
 case 4:sum=90;break;
 case 5:sum=120;break;
 case 6:sum=151;break;
 case 7:sum=181;break;
 case 8:sum=212;break;
 case 9:sum=243;break;

int day,month,year,sum,leap; 为什么定义这即个都是什么意思?please input 【程序4】 输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天?1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加
day:日,month:月,year:年,leap:闰年,please input:请输入的意思,主要看printf(" ");双引号中的内容会在屏幕显示,如果你输入“请输入一个月份:”,那它就是这句话

帮我改改,int days=sum_day(month,day); if(leap(year)&&month>2) days++; #include int sum_day(int ,int),leap(int);void main(){int year,month,day;cout>year>>month>>day;int days=sum_day(month,day);if(leap(year)&&month>2)days++;cout ( )month( )Day( )Year 4.设int year,month,day分别表示一个日期中的年月日,试编程求 int day,month,year,sum,leap; 提示说语法错误,main(){int day,month,year,sum,leap;printf( please input year,month,day );scanf(%d,%d,%d,&year,&month,&day);switch(month)/*先计算某月以前月份的总天数*/{case 1:sum=0;break;case 2:sum New year‘s day is___(填介词)the first month of the year 这个程序错误在哪里?#include using namespace std;class Date{public:void setDate(int y,int m,int d);void showDate();private:int year;int month;int year;};void Date::setDate(int y,int m,int d){year=y;month=m;day=d;}void Date::showDate(){cout c 语言改错#include stdio.hvoid main(){int a,b,year,day,month;scanf(%d%d%d,&year,&month,&day);switch(month){case 1:month=0;break;case 2:month=31;break;case 3:month=59;break;case 4:month=90;break;case 5:month=120;break;case 6:month=151;break;ca C++:abnormal program termination //我的编译器是VC6.0#include#include#include//using namespace std;class Date{int year,month,day;void init();public:Date(const std::string& s);Date(int y=2000,int m=1,int d=1);void display(); friend ostream& opera January,month,is,the,and,we,have,Year's,New,first,Day,in,this,month 连词组句 Think of the best day(s) you have had in the past month or year英译汉 用函数计算每个月的天数,C语言问题,必须是先设计一个函数我这个哪里错了?#include #includeint main(void){ int f(int x,int y);int year ,month,day,t;printf(输入年月日:);scanf(%d%d%d,&year,&month,&day);t==f(year,mon It's the tebth month in a year.还有the month is after day is in this month.tree-pianting day is in this month.the month is before May. Tree Planting Day is in ( ). Christmas Day is in ( ).Children's Day and Fath's Day are in ( ).还有( )is the 1st month of the year.( )is the 2nd month of the year.( ) is the 5th month of the year.August is the ( ) month of the year.Octoder is the ( 亲,帮小女子看看这个c语言程序 改错改错 输出该日为该年的第几天 #includevoid main(){int jisuanday,y1,y2,year,month,day;int panduan1(int month);int panduan2(int year);printf(请输入任意年月日,逗号隔开.);scanf(%d, year to last month,year to day ,quarter to excel的函数求解,求用法,求含义,具体了解,sum average max min count round int left right mid lennow today year month day . 6:以下程序的运行结果是( ).#include “stdio.h” main() {struct data {int year,month,day; }today;1.6 2.8 3.10 4.12 It will be New Year's Day in a fewA,month's time B.months timeC,months' time D,month time