
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 18:22:34


Hello,I'm (你的名字).May I have this dance with you?
我是 (名字).我可以和你跳这一只舞么?
Are you tired?Do you want to take a rest at that table?
May I get you anything do drink or eat?
You look very handsome today,nice suit!
You look very beautiful today,that dress is beautiful!
This is my favorite song!

— What can I do for you?
— ____________________.
A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way
C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I'm busy
这题的答案是 A. I want a kil...


— What can I do for you?
— ____________________.
A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way
C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I'm busy
这题的答案是 A. I want a kilo of apples
为什么是A呢?对话的第一句是 What can I do for you ? 这是一句典型的“服务行业”用语,在不同的情景中可以理解为不同的意思:
这里的四个选项中B C D选项即不是希望对方为自己作什么,也不是要买什么。只有A的回答是“要买一公斤苹果。”只有A与所给的问题组成了一段意思合理,又符合逻辑的对话。所以A是正确答案。
— Do you mind telling me where you're from?
— _____________________.
A. Certainly. I'm from London. B. Sure. I was born in London.
C. Not really, you can do it. D. Certainly not. I'm form London.
Do you mind ? 句型,回答时:
如果是肯定的如,yes, certainly 那就是我在意,请你不要做什么
如果自己不在意,回答应该是: No, not at all.
这道题的干扰因素是:A B D 都回答了 I'm from London. 或 I was born in London. 它们都回答了 Where are you from? 这个提问。这说明这三个回答前面的用语是正确与否的关键。A B 一个用了 Certainly 一个用了 Sure 。肯定的回答,它违反了英语回答 Do you mind? 这类问题的习惯。只有 Certainly not. I'm from London. 是正确答案。
— Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?
— _____________________.
A. Yes, you may borrow. B. Yes, go on.
C. Yes, help yourself. D. It doesn't matter.
A. you may borrow. 你可以借。
B. go on 请继续。继续什么呢?不清楚。D.It doesn't matter. 没关系。这个回答好象对方作错了什么事。
C. Yes, help yourself. 自己动手(等于说:拿吧)所以C是正确答案。
这里特别提醒大家注意:我们是在说英语,不是用英语的句型套用汉语的习惯。比如在中国,当人们夸奖我们英语讲得不错的时候,我们会很谦虚地回答:“讲得不好,还得好好学习。”但是,这个回答不同于西方文化中的习惯。在英语里,我们就会回答:“Thank you.”表示感谢。在交际用语中,考生应该选择符合西方文化的语言,特别注意 Thank you和Sorry 的使用。

a. 问候与应答 b. 介绍 c. 告别 d. 感谢与应答
e. 请求帮助与应答 f. 提供帮助与应答 g. 祝愿与应答
h. 道歉与应答 i. 邀请与应答 j. 时间与日期
k. 表示个人意见 l. 表示个人心情和态度
a. 约会 b. 打电话 c. 问路 d. 问讯事物 e. 天气
f. 交通 g. 购物 h. 就餐 i. 旅游 j. 健康
k. 学校生活 l. 家庭生活

第一部分 功能性的日常用语
1. 问候与应答类日常用语
How are you?
How is everything with you?
How are you getting on?

I'm fine, thank you.
Just fine.
Not bad, thank you.
As usual.

eg. 1. -- How are you getting along?
-- Just fine, thank you.
2. -- How are you?
-- Not very well. I've got a cold.
3. -- How is everything with you?
-- As usual.

2. 介绍类日常用语
This is Mr. …
May I introduce you to …?
Allow me to introduce …
How do you do?
Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Hi, my name is …

eg. 1. -- Hi, may I introduce you to Mr. Li?
-- Nice to meet you.
2. -- This is Mr. Li.
-- How do you do?
3. -- Let me introduce Mr. Li, our new president.
-- Pleased to meet you.

3. 告别类日常用语
Sorry, I must be off.
I'm afraid I must be going.
I'm afraid I must go now.
See you.
See you later.

eg. 1. -- Sorry, I must be leaving now.
-- Are you already leaving?
2. -- I'm afraid I have to go.
-- See you later.
3. -- I'm sorry I have to go now.
-- Nice talking with you.
4. 答谢与应答类日常用语
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
That's very kind of you.
Not at all.
Don't mention it.
That's all right.
My pleasure.
You're welcome.

eg. 1. -- You really helped me a lot. Thank you very much.
-- It's my pleasure.
2. -- That's very kind of you.
-- You're welcome.
3. -- I don't know how I should thank you.
-- don't mention it.

5. 请求帮助与应答类日常用语
Could you do something for me?
Do you mind doing something for me?
I wonder if you could do something for me.

Of course.
I'm sorry, but I have something else to do.

eg. 1. -- Could you help me with this box?
-- Certainly.
2. -- I wonder if you could carry this bag for me?
-- With pleasure.
3. -- May I use your camera?
-- Sorry, but I have to use it myself.
What can I do for you?
Let me do it for you.
Do you need me to do it for you?
Thank you for your help.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you all the same.

eg. 1. -- Do you need me to read it aloud?
-- No, thank you.
2. -- What can I do for you?
-- Could you move this table with me?
3. -- Shall I open the window?
-- Please do. Thank you.

Good luck to you!
Have a nice trip.
Wish you success!
Thank you.
Same to you.
You, too.

eg. 1. -- Congratulations!
-- Thank you.
2. -- Happy New Year!
-- You, too.
3. -- Good luck to you!
-- Same to you.

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.
Excuse me for my interruption.
I'm sorry that I'm late.
I beg your pardon.
Pardon me.
It doesn't matter.
That's OK.
Never mind.

eg. 1. -- I'm sorry I forgot.
-- That's OK.
2. -- Excuse me for my being late.
-- That's all right. Be on time next time.
3. -- I beg your pardon. I didn't catch you.
-- I'll say it again.

Would you like to come with me?
I'd like to invite to dinner tonight.
Would you mind if I ask you to sit with me?

Yes, I'd love to.
Thanks for your invitation.
It's my pleasure.
I'd love to, but I'll have to finish my homework.
I'm afraid I am busy.
eg. 1. -- Would you like to have coffee with me?
-- I'd love to. Thank you.
2. -- I'd like to invite you to come to my birthday party.
-- It's my pleasure.
3. -- Would you mind if I invite you to see the new movie?
-- I'm afraid I'll have to take a class this evening.

What time is it?
Do you have the time?
What date is it today?
It's time for us to do something.
eg. 1. -- Excuse me. Do you have the time?
-- I'm sorry. I don't have a watch.
2. -- It's time for lunch.
-- Let's go.
3. -- What does your watch say?
-- Three past nine.

I think you should do that.
I believe it is right.
I guess he is right.
You are right there.
I agree with you.
I think so.
I am afraid you are wrong.
Maybe not.

eg. 1. -- I think the new movie is a bit too dull.
-- I think so.
2. -- don't you think the lecture is too difficult?
-- I'm afraid it is.
3. -- I guess tomorrow will be fine.
-- I don't think so.

Why don't you come with me?
I'm really tired.
What a day!
Dear me!
That's great.
What's happened?
What's the matter with you?
What's wrong with you?
You do look tired.

eg. 1. -- My goodness!
-- Anything wrong with you?
2. -- I'm really tired.
-- Take a good rest.
3. -- Oh, dear me.
-- What is it?

第二部分 日常情景对话
1. 约会时的日常用语
I'd like to meet you on Monday.
Shall we make an appointment?
How about Tuesday afternoon?
Will Sunday do?

That will do.

eg. 1. -- Shall we meet at the school gate after class?
-- OK.
2. -- How about Friday afternoon?
-- Could we change another time. I'll be busy then.
3. -- When do you think you can come?
-- Will Sunday do?

Hello, may I speak to Mr. Liu?
Is Mr. Li there?
I'd like to talk to your manager.

This is Liu speaking.
I'm sorry he is not in.
Hold on I'll get him.
I'm sorry. He is having a meeting.
Will you hold? I'll see if he is in.
eg.1. -- Hello, may I speak to Mr. Li?
-- Who’s speaking?
2. -- Is Xiao Liu there?
-- Hold on. I'll get him.
3. -- Is that Mr. Hu?
-- Which number are you calling?

Excuse me. Is this the way to the square?
Excuse me sir. Where is the post office?
Could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?

Go down this street. You won't miss it.
I'm sorry. I am a stranger here.

eg.1. -- Excuse me. Is this the way to the square?
-- Go straight until you see the post office, and then turn left.
2. -- Excuse me sir. Where is the post office?
-- I'm sorry. I am a stranger here.
3. -- Could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?
-- I am not sure. Why don't you ask the man over there.

Excuse me. May I ask where I can find a restroom?
Could you tell me what time it is now?
Is the booking office here?
Are those seats taken?
eg.1. -- Excuse me. Where is the restroom?
-- It's around the corner.
2. -- is the booking office here?
-- It is upstairs.
3. -- Are those seats taken?
-- I'm sorry. They are taken.

What's the weather like today?
How is the weather in Shanghai?
A fine day, isn't it?
It looks like rain.
It's getting cloudy.

eg.1. -- How’s the weather like in your city now?
-- Very cold.
2. -- It's getting cloudy.
-- Looks like rain.
3. -- A fine day, isn't it?
-- Yes, it is.

The traffic is heavy.
Here comes a taxi.
Take No. 3 bus and get off at the terminal.
Where is the subway?

eg.1. -- Shall we take Bus No.7?
-- I'd like to take a taxi.
2. -- Shall we take the subway?
-- OK. It's over there.
3. -- Oh my Stop again.
-- Do you often have such heavy traffic?

May I help you?
What can I do for you, sir?
Is there anything I can help?
Are you interested in anything?

I'd like to buy a TV set.
Do you have any fresh banana?
Just looking.

eg.1. -- May I help you?
-- I'd like to have a slice of cheese.
2. -- What can I do for you, sir?
-- I'm looking for an antique table for my new home.
3. -- Is there anything you are interested in?
-- Nothing particular. I'm just looking.

What would you like to drink?
Would you like to sit at the window?
Are you ready to order?
How would you like your coffee?
How would you like your beef?

A table for two, please.
Rare, please.

eg.1. -- Are you ready to order?
-- Salad, soup, two eggs and two slices of bread.
2. -- How would you like your coffee?
-- With milk, please.
3. -- How would you like your beef?
-- Rare.

Would you please check out?
Do you need room service?
Do you need a single ticket or return ticket?
Do you take credit card?
I'm sorry. We only take cash.
eg.1. -- I'd like to book a flight to Beijing?
-- One way or round trip? (Single or return?)
2. -- May I cash some money?
-- Show your ID card.
3. -- Are you checking out today?
-- No, I'll stay until Tuesday.

What's wrong with you?
Take this medicine and drink a lot of water.
How many bills should I take?
I'm feeling terrible.
Give up smoking.
Do more exercise.
eg.1. -- What's wrong with you?
-- I have pain in my stomach.
2. -- I'm feeling cold.
-- You'd better go and see the doctor.
3. -- I'm feeling terrible.
-- Did you see the doctor?

Let's call it a day.
Class is over.
English Listening is in Room 405.
The homework is due next Monday.
Hand in your homework before Monday.
Any questions?
The library is open from 8 : 00 a.m. to 9 :00 p.m.

eg.1. -- The deadline for your paper is next Sunday.
-- Could I hand in next Tuesday?
2. -- Read aloud, so that every one can here you?
-- I'm sorry. I have a bad cold.
3. -- The library will closed on Sunday.
-- Shall we study in the dormitory?

Will you please help me with the dishes?
What's happening next door?
My mother is not feeling well.
I'm getting married.
It's getting late.
Turn down the radio.
Turn down the volume of the TV.
eg.1. -- Would you help me with the dishes?
-- I'm in the bathroom.
2. -- The telephone is ringing. Who’ll get it.
-- I'll get it.
3. -- I'm getting married.
-- Congratulations.




