a spirit of depending on yourself 1.a spirit of depending on yourself 2.spirit depending 音标是什么3.hardship avoid 4.has badlly ill对吗?5.don't give up easily对吗?6.lost my
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:47:00
a spirit of depending on yourself 1.a spirit of depending on yourself 2.spirit depending 音标是什么3.hardship avoid 4.has badlly ill对吗?5.don't give up easily对吗?6.lost my
a spirit of depending on yourself
1.a spirit of depending on yourself
2.spirit depending 音标是什么
3.hardship avoid
4.has badlly ill对吗?
5.don't give up easily对吗?
6.lost my
a spirit of depending on yourself 1.a spirit of depending on yourself 2.spirit depending 音标是什么3.hardship avoid 4.has badlly ill对吗?5.don't give up easily对吗?6.lost my
2.精神上独立,应该为spiritual dependence?
3.逃避困难.应该为avoid hardship
4.不对.应该为has been badly ill
6.是lost my mind.失去理智.
1.关於第一点,spirit有多个解释,要看上下文.大概可为"独立的勇气""独立的精神".而且depending on yourself常避免哆嗦,用名词independence代替.
2."spirit depending"本身就有错误.可改为"spiritual dependence".具体要按上下文决定.
3."hardship avoid"也是错误的表达."avoid"是及...
1.关於第一点,spirit有多个解释,要看上下文.大概可为"独立的勇气""独立的精神".而且depending on yourself常避免哆嗦,用名词independence代替.
2."spirit depending"本身就有错误.可改为"spiritual dependence".具体要按上下文决定.
3."hardship avoid"也是错误的表达."avoid"是及物动词,就带宾语."avoid hardship",可译为"逃避困难"或"绕开困难的事",感情色彩依上下文而定.
4.错误.可改为"has been badly ill"或"has/gets a bad/deadly disease".
5.无语法错误.该句是祈使句,如果用"never give up"会更地道.
6.应为"lose one's mind",可译为"失去理智".