Surfing the Internet pros and cons为题写作

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Surfing the Internet pros and cons为题写作
Surfing the Internet pros and cons为题写作

Surfing the Internet pros and cons为题写作
Today,the computer is becoming increasingly popular,the network to make our life more colorful fast.Some say that the Internet is a great thing,we can read news online,listening to music,watching movies,online lectures,access to information,online shopping,playing games,chatting with friends by e-mail ......There are many Let us very convenient to the article in the e-learning can also improve the level of writing.Little Lotus Writing Network Some people say that the Internet is hazardous to health,but also affect their learning,and some news regularly reported some minors as a result of the Internet hidden,truancy go to Internet cafes,the results captured by the police,as well as the Internet due to insufficient funds,they stole Pa take onto the criminal path,not only this,the eyes will be short-sighted because of prolonged exposure to computers,people will gradually become lazy.They said all makes sense,listening to music,chatting,watching movies,etc.can be evacuated mood,and character cultivation.Chat to communicate with the teachers to grow informative on-line to see an essay written by someone else,diaries,can raise the level essay.But can not be obsessed with the Internet,or affect their learning,harmful to health.I agree with the proper Internet access,full use of the network has brought us convenience 如今,电脑越来越普及,网络使我们的生活更加快捷丰富多彩.有人说,上网是一件很棒的事,我们可以在网上读新闻、听音乐、看电影、网上听课、查阅资料、网上购物、玩游戏、与好友聊天发电子邮件……还有很多,让我们非常方便,在网上学习文章还可以提高作文水平.小荷作文网 还有人说,上网对身体有害,还影响学习,有的新闻经常报导一些未成年人因上网成隐,逃学去网吧上网,结果被警察抓获,还有的因无钱上网,便偷抢扒拿走上违法犯罪道路,不仅这一点,眼睛也会由于长时间接触电脑而近视,人也会渐渐变懒的.他们说的都有道理,听音乐、聊天、看电影等是可以疏散心情,陶冶情操.与老师聊天沟通能增长见识,在网上看看别人写的作文、日记,可以让作文水平提高.但是也不能沉迷上网,否则影响学习,有害身体健康.我赞成适当地上网,充分利用网络给我们带来的便利.