He is taller than ___in his class.A.others B any other one C the other 请详细说明原因
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 12:58:53
He is taller than ___in his class.A.others B any other one C the other 请详细说明原因
He is taller than ___in his class.A.others B any other one C the other 请详细说明原因
He is taller than ___in his class.A.others B any other one C the other 请详细说明原因
any other one ,意思是他在班里是最高的.这是固定搭配,记住就行了.
others表示另外一些学生,the others表示除了他自己以外的所有学生。这句话的意思是他比班级其他学生都高,He is taller than the others/any other one in his class。
A如果是the others 的话才对。.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。the others=the other +复数名词
题中的主语是单数he ,如果是复数那就要用others
英语:He is taller than I / me?
he is taller than me杂翻译
He is many taller than befor
是He is taller than I 还是He is taller than me 原因
应用He is taller than me还是He is taller than I
句子改错 He is more taller than me.He is more taller than me.
He is taller than I.这句话对吗?还是要换成He is taller than me.
是I am taller than he还是I am taller than him或I am taller than he is?
taller than he / him 是否都可以?I am taller than he (is) I am taller than him
Tom is taller than Jim.同义句Jim is __ __ __ __Tom.
He is not taller than Jim 可以这样表达吗Jim is taller than him =He is not taller than Jim???????????
She is taller than (he)单词正确形式填空
he is taller than ____(me or i)
he is taller and stonger than me.的英语
He is taller and stronger than me 的翻译是什么
He is taller ____his brother A:than B:then C:/
He is taller than any other boy in the class.