英语翻译There may be one aspect that remains in doubt.Pursuant to s 9-5(d) there is a requirement that ‘you’ be registered or required to be registered.Section s 147-5 further requires that the representative be registered on appointment.Does

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 02:09:54

英语翻译There may be one aspect that remains in doubt.Pursuant to s 9-5(d) there is a requirement that ‘you’ be registered or required to be registered.Section s 147-5 further requires that the representative be registered on appointment.Does
There may be one aspect that remains in doubt.Pursuant to s 9-5(d) there is a requirement that ‘you’ be registered or required to be registered.Section s 147-5 further requires that the representative be registered on appointment.Does this imply that the company is no longer registered?The position here is unclear.The ATO has issued its guidelines on the basis that the representative is making the supplies etc.Accordingly,it allows the representative,for example,to use during this period the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the insolvent company.If this happens then the legislation relating to matters such as the requirements of tax invoices appears to be met.If this is not the case,and the above argument regarding the making of supplies is correct,then a question arises as to whether any tax invoices issued comply with the requirements of the legislation.If the insolvency practitioner is registered and using the company's ABN,it is not clear whether this implies that the registration of the company is therefore cancelled.There is no specific statement to that effect in the legislation,although the registration must be cancelled if the Commissioner is satisfied that ‘you’ are not carrying on an enterprise and believes on reasonable grounds that you are not likely to carry on an enterprise for at least 12 months.Again,this raises considerable uncertainty in relation to the above analysis
Consider the position of a company under a voluntary administration under Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act.By virtue of s 27-40 the tax period would not automatically end because voluntary administration is neither liquidation nor receivership.If the ATO approach were adopted,the registration of the administrator would not of itself imply that the registration of the company be cancelled,because the Commissioner could not be satisfied that the company would not be carrying on an enterprise again within the next 12 months.
The result of this analysis suggests therefore that,if the company is fulfilling all of the
requirements of s 9-5 rather then the insolvency practitioner,it should remain registered.The implication then is that the company will have primary responsibility for any GST liability.The insolvency practitioner then may still face liability in relation to GST issues through his or her position with the company.This can arise under a number of provisions separate to the GST legislation itself and is dependent somewhat on the nature of the administration being dealt with

英语翻译There may be one aspect that remains in doubt.Pursuant to s 9-5(d) there is a requirement that ‘you’ be registered or required to be registered.Section s 147-5 further requires that the representative be registered on appointment.Does
好像是 第一款 本宪法授予的全部立法权,属于由参议院和众议院组成的合众国国会.
第二款 众议院由各州人民每两年选举产生的众议员组成.每个州的选举人须具备该州州议会人数最多一院选举人所必需的资格.
第三款 合众国参议院由每州州议会选举的两名参议员组成,任期六年;每名参议员有一票表决权.
第四款 举行参议员和众议员选举的时间、地点和方式,在每个州由该州议会规定.但除选举参议员的地点外,国会得随时以法律制定或改变这类规定.
第五款 每院是本院议员的选举、选举结果报告和资格的裁判者.每院议员过半数,即构成议事的法定人数;但不足法定人数时,得逐日休会,并有权按每院规定的方式和罚则,强迫缺席议员出席会议.
第六款 参议员和众议员应得到服务的报酬,此项报酬由法律确定并由合众国国库支付.他们除犯叛国罪、重罪和妨害治安罪外,在一切情况下都享有在出席各自议院会议期间和往返于各自议院途中不受逮捕的特权.他们不得因在各自议院发表的演说或辩论而在任何其他地方受到质问.
第七款 所有征税议案应首先在众议院提出,但参议院得像对其他议案一样,提出或同意修正案.