
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 09:08:48


noon [nu:n] do morning exercises [du: 'mɔniŋ 'eksəsaiziz] tell [tel]
eat breatfast [i:t 'brekfəst] climb moutains [klaim 'mauntinz]
have English class [hæv 'iŋɡliʃ klɑ:s] go shopping [gəu 'ʃɔpiŋ]
play sports [plei 'spɔts] play the piano [plei ðə pi'ænəu]
eat dinner [i:t 'dinə] visit grandparents [vizit 'ɡrænd、pɛərənts]
when [hwen] go hiking [gəu 'hakiŋ]
about [ə'baut] weekend [wi:k'end]
policeman [pə'li:smən] often ['ɔfən]
work [wə:k] sometimes ['sʌmtaimz]
evening ['i:vniŋ] rain [rein]
get up [get ʌp] either ['aiðə]
usually ['ju:ʒuəli] next [nekst]
Unit 2 sleep [sli:p]
spring [spriŋ] north [nɔ:θ]
summer ['sʌmə] Halloween [、hæləu'i:n]
fall [fɔ:l] Thanksgiving θæŋks'giviŋ]
winter ['wintə] swim [swim]
season ['si:zən] fly kites [flai kaits]
which [hwitʃ] skate [skeit]
best [best] make a snowman [meik ə 'snəumən]]
always ['ɔ:lweiz] plant trees [plɑ:nt tri:z]
play with [plei 'wið] why [wai]
leaf(leaves) [li:f] ([li:vz]) because [bi'kɔz]
Unit 3 cousin ['kʌzn]
Jan.(January) ['dʒænjuəri] first [fə:st]
Feb.(February) ['februəri] second ['sekənd]
Mar.(March) [mɑ:tʃ] third [θə:d]
Apr.(April) ['eiprəl] fourth [fɔ:θ]
May [mei] fifth [fifθ]
June [dʒu:n] eighth [eitθ]
July [dʒu:'lai] ninth [nainθ]
Aug.(August) ['ɔ:ɡəst] twelfth [twelfθ]
Sept.(September) [səp'tembə] twentieth ['twentiiθ]
Oct.(October) [ɔk'təubə] send [send]
Nov.(November) [nəu'vembə] e-card [i: kɑ:d]
Dec.(December) [di'sembə] able ['eibl]
chart [tʃɑ:t] everyone ['evriwʌn]
birthday ['bə:θdei] then [ðen]
uncle ['ʌŋkl] date [deit]
Unit 4 listen to music ['lisn tu: 'mju:zik]
draw pictures [drɔ: 'piktʃə] clean the room [kli:n ðə ru:m]
cook dinner [kuk 'dinə] write a letter [rait ə 'letə]
read a book [ri:d ə buk] write an e-mail [rait ən 'i:meil]
answer the phone ['ɑ:nsə ðə fəun] speak to [spi:k tu:]
talk [tɔ:k] hold on [həuld ɔn]
Children's Center ['tʃildrənz 'sentə] call [kɔ:l]
see you later [si: ju: 'leitə] study ['stʌdi]
Unit 5 trunk [trʌŋk]
fly [flai] sleep [sli:p]
jump [dʒʌmp] climb [klaim]
walk [wɔ:k] fitht [fait]
run [rʌn] swing [swiŋ]
swim [swim] drink water [driŋk 'wɔ:tə]
kangaroo [ ,kæŋɡə'ru:] climber ['klaimə]
Unit 6
take pictures [teik 'piktʃəz] thing [θiŋ]
watch insects [wɔtʃ 'insekts] count insects [kaunt 'insekts]
pick up leaves [pik ʌp li:vz] collect leaves [klekt li:vz]
do an experiment [du: ən iks'perimənt] write a report [rait ə ri'pɔ:t]
catch butterflies [kætʃ 'bʌtəflaiz] play chess [plei tʃes]
woods [wudz] have a picnic [hæv ə 'piknik]
ant [ænt] him [him]
interesting ['intristiŋ] leave [li:v ]
have a look [hæv ə luk] us [ʌs]
honey ['hʌni] over there ['əuvə ðɛə]