matlab出错Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.a=[137.5 462;362 443;410 408.5;167 462;420 401;376 406;374 424;365 448;354 495;359 528;333 511;276 419;270 415;276 405;282 398.5;135 395;212 443;240 495;235 496;206 466;193.5 475];for i=1

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 21:11:56

matlab出错Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.a=[137.5 462;362 443;410 408.5;167 462;420 401;376 406;374 424;365 448;354 495;359 528;333 511;276 419;270 415;276 405;282 398.5;135 395;212 443;240 495;235 496;206 466;193.5 475];for i=1
matlab出错Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.
a=[137.5 462;362 443;410 408.5;167 462;420 401;376 406;374 424;365 448;354 495;359 528;333 511;276 419;270 415;276 405;282 398.5;135 395;212 443;240 495;235 496;206 466;193.5 475];
for i=1:21
for j=1:21
for i=1:25
>> a=b.*c;

matlab出错Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.a=[137.5 462;362 443;410 408.5;167 462;420 401;376 406;374 424;365 448;354 495;359 528;333 511;276 419;270 415;276 405;282 398.5;135 395;212 443;240 495;235 496;206 466;193.5 475];for i=1


matlab中数字后加一个点有什么用?比如plot(x,sin(1./x));为什么改成1.0就出错?Error using / Matrix dimensions must agree. matlab问题polar 急>> phi=-pi/3:pi/180:pi/3;>> gamma=(5.*sin(phi).^2)/cos(phi);>> polar(phi,gamma,'-*')Error using ==> polarTHETA and RHO must be the same size.哪里出错了? matlab符号计算出错本人在matlab7中运行书本中如下符号计算例题clearsyms xg=sym('cos(x+sin(y(x))')dgdx=diff(g,x)matlab7显示出错如下:Error using ==> sym.sym>char2symNot a valid symbolic expression.Error in ==> sym.sym at 92S matlab中的nthroot函数的用法是什么啊?我的英语水平不行,看不懂它的英文解释.为什么我输入nthroot(9,2),matlab会出错.出错提示是Error using ==> nthrootIf X is negative,N must be an odd integer. Matlab 出错 matlab出错, 用matlab解常微分方程,调用dsolve是老出错 y=dsolve('Dy=x*sin(x)/cos(y)','x')错误如下:Error using ==> putenvmaplevalue truncatedError in ==> mapleinit at 41putenvmaple('maple',base);Error in ==> maple at 113[result,status] = maplemex( matlab 命令solve 出错sym xsolve('-x+sinh(0.3466*log2((1+x)/(1-x)))=0',x) Error using ==> solveUnable to find closed form solution.Error in ==> sym.solve at 49[varargout{1:max(1,nargout)}] = solve(S{:}); 这个Matlab为何会出错?>> [x]=solve('(1/x^0.5)=-2*log10(5.66*10^(-4)/3.7+2.51/8000/x^0.5)')Error using ==> mupadmexError in MuPAD command:cannot differentiate equation [numeric::fsolve]Error in ==> sym.sym>sym.mupadmexnout at 2003out = mupadmex( 用matlab的ezplot 和 abs 出错~syms wezplot( abs( w ) ) 这个命令能画出图来但是下面这个syms wezplot( abs( exp(w) ) )这个命令不能出图求助~~~具体的错误提示如下? Error using ==> inlineeval at 15Error in in Matlab问题!用辛普森公式求数值积分..f=@(x)2/(1+x.^2);I=quad(f,-1,1)出错:Error using ==> mrdivideMatrix dimensions must agree.Error in ==> quad at 62y = f(x,varargin{:});------------------------------------------------------------------- 用matlab解微分方程组:dy/dz – z =cosx,dz/dx + y =1 .>> [x,y,z]=dsolve('Dy-z*Dz=cos(x)*Dz,Dz+y*Dx=Dx')Error using ==> dsolveToo many output arguments.Error in ==> dsolve我就这么按照老师教学PPT的一道题模拟的,但是出错了~ matlab数值积分函数的应用下面的代码可运行F = @(x)1./(x.^3-2*x-5);Q = quad(F,0,2); 为何下面的代码不能运行F = @(x)exp((log(x)-1)^2);Q = quad(F,0,2); 出错信息为:Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.Error in ==> @ matlab中矩阵除以常数出错du=abs(U1-U2);dd=abs(D1-D2);dis=du/au+dd/ad;其中U1,U2,D1,D2为一行24列的数组au,ad为常数运行时出现如下错误提示:Error using ==> mldivideMatrix dimensions must agree.Error in ==> distance at 9dis= matlab 提示Error using vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.for i=1965:1:1970 for j=1:12 a=find(a1(:,2)==i&a1(:,3)==j); b=a1(a,:); c=mean(b(:,5)); d=[d;i,j,c]; end end提示矩阵维度出错,可是维度应该并没有出错啊,我 matlab Error using ==> sym.mpowerError using ==> sym.mpowerMatrix must be square.我没用什么矩阵饿? MATLAB中plot函数用法MATLAB中输入>> x=1:0.1:3f=sin(x)*(1+x)*log(1+x);plot(x,f)运行出错?Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.如果改成>> x=1:0.1:3f=sin(x).*(1+x).*log(1+x);plot(x,f)运行正确,可以绘出图形来. matlab 矩阵相乘的问题我想定义一个函数 y=[ 1,x,x.^2 ]*[ 2;3;5 ] ,但是matlab报错.出错信息:>> x=linspace(1,10,10);>> y=[ 1,x,x.^2 ]*[ 2;3;5 ]Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.请问如何解决?这里只