the teacher's students think very highly of him.怎么翻译
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 10:04:54
the teacher's students think very highly of him.怎么翻译
the teacher's students think very highly of him.怎么翻译
the teacher's students think very highly of him.怎么翻译
think highly of 高看,尊敬
many a studen and teacher
my father‘s old coat(1) My Father’s Old Coat Teacher:Children,name the material we often use to make things,please.Student:Glass,gold,metal ,paper,plastic,silver,wood and wool.Teacher:Very good,sit down,please.And what do we get from sheep?Studen
match the teacher's
amusing(ed) confusing(ed) exhausting(ed) annoying(ed) disgusting(ed) interesting(ed)boring(ed) exciting(ed) 填词ind 还是ed!I’ve got nothing to do,I'm__________.The teacher's explanation was________.Most of the studen's didn
英语改复数形式改这几个哈……1、It's a knife.2、He is an English teacher.3、I'm a studen.
Is the teacher's office
lt s under the teacher s
Is the tiger the cat's teacher?
the studen aiwazs walks to school 改为反以疑问句
The teacher's desk is y_____,
The Teacher’s Day is()September.
Jim is ( ) the teacher's desk?
let's s_____ them to the teacher.
this is ——readoong-room.A.the teacher’s B.teacher’s C.teacher’s D.the teachers’the teacher’s 和 the teachers’ 的区别是什么
The teacher's wodrs hurt our f_____?
let’s【】the teacher some questions
getting on the teacher’s wrong side.
teacher's evaluation on the students是什么意思