这篇英语作文中文意思是什么?They might be afraid that you're going to blame them for the problem. The best way to learn is through apprenticeship -- that is, by doing some real task together with someone who has a different set of skills.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:33:01

这篇英语作文中文意思是什么?They might be afraid that you're going to blame them for the problem. The best way to learn is through apprenticeship -- that is, by doing some real task together with someone who has a different set of skills.
They might be afraid that you're going to blame them for the problem.
The best way to learn is through apprenticeship -- that is, by doing some real task together with someone who has a different set of skills.
Your primary goal is not to solve their problem. Your primary goal is to help them become one notch more capable of solving their problem on their own. So it's okay if they take notes.
Most user interfaces are terrible. When people make mistakes it's usually the fault of the interface. You've forgotten how many ways you've learned to adapt to bad interfaces.
Knowledge lives in communities, not individuals. A computer user who's part of a community of computer users will have an easier time than one who isn't.
Having convinced yourself of these things, you are more likely to follow some important rules:
Don't take the keyboard. Let them do all the typing, even if it's slower that way, and even if you have to point them to every key they need to type. That's the only way they're going to learn from the interaction.
Find out what they're really trying to do. Is there another way to go about it?
Maybe they can't tell you what they've done or what happened. In this case you can ask them what they are trying to do and say, "Show me how you do that".
Attend to the symbolism of the interaction. Try to squat down so your eyes are just below the level of theirs. When they're looking at the computer, look at the computer. When they're looking at you, look back at them.
When they do something wrong, don't say "no" or "that's wrong". They'll often respond by doing something else that's wrong. Instead, just tell them what to do and why.
Try not to ask yes-or-no questions. Nobody wants to look foolish, so their answer is likely to be a guess. "Did you attach to the file server?" will get you less information than "What did you do after you turned the computer on?".
Explain your thinking. Don't make it mysterious. If something is true, show them how they can see it's true. When you don't know, say "I don't know". When you're guessing, say "let's try ... because ...". Resist the temptation to appear all-knowing. Help them learn to think the problem through.
Be aware of how abstract your language is. "Get into the editor" is abstract and "press this key" is concrete. Don't say anything unless you intend for them to understand it. Keep adjusting your language downward towards concrete units until they start to get it, then slowly adjust back up towards greater abstraction so long as they're following you. When formulating a take-home lesson ("when it does this and that, you should try such-and-such"), check once again that you're using language of the right degree of abstraction for this user right now.

这篇英语作文中文意思是什么?They might be afraid that you're going to blame them for the problem. The best way to learn is through apprenticeship -- that is, by doing some real task together with someone who has a different set of skills.
也许他们不能告诉你,他们的成就或发生了什么.在这种情况下,您可以问他们什么,他们正在尝试做的和说, “告诉我你如何做到这一点” .
当他们做一些错误的,不说“不”或“这是错误的” .他们通常会作出反应,做一些别人认为是错误的.相反,只是告诉他们怎么做和为什么这样做.
尽量不要问有或没有的问题.没有人愿意看愚蠢的,所以他们的答案很可能是一个猜测. “你重视的文件服务器? ”将获得的信息比你少“你做了些什么打开后,您的计算机上? ” .
解释一下你的思想.不要让神秘.如果事情是真的,表明他们如何才能看到它的真实.当您不知道,说: “我不知道. ”当你猜测,说: “让我们尝试...因为...".抵制诱惑,似乎无所不知.帮助他们学会认为问题通过.
如何认识您的语言是抽象的. “进入编辑器”是抽象的, “按下该键”是具体的.不要说什么,除非你打算让他们理解这一点.保持您的语言向下调整的具体单位,直到他们开始得到它,然后慢慢调整备份实现更大的抽象只要他们以下你.当制定一个带回家的教训( “时,这是否和这一点,你应该尝试这种与这种” ) ,再次检查您使用的语言权程度的抽象此使用者的现在.

一楼机器翻译不错 都复制粘贴过来了~
good luck!

他们可以是害怕你将把问题归咎于他们. 最好的了解也就是说经历学徒身份--的方式,让a不同的某人按做一些真正任务一起用设定的技能. 你的最重要目标是不要解决他们的问题.你的最重要目标是要帮助他们成为更能解决他们的独自问题一槽口.So它的表示同意的条件那些拿指出. 绝大部分用户接口是可怕.什么时候人们犯错误它通常是接口的缺陷.你已经忘记你已经学习使多少方式适应坏接口. 知识过在朝派社区,不个体.与不是...


他们可以是害怕你将把问题归咎于他们. 最好的了解也就是说经历学徒身份--的方式,让a不同的某人按做一些真正任务一起用设定的技能. 你的最重要目标是不要解决他们的问题.你的最重要目标是要帮助他们成为更能解决他们的独自问题一槽口.So它的表示同意的条件那些拿指出. 绝大部分用户接口是可怕.什么时候人们犯错误它通常是接口的缺陷.你已经忘记你已经学习使多少方式适应坏接口. 知识过在朝派社区,不个体.与不是的相比,一更容易时间一个有的电脑用户分开电脑用户意愿富人的一社区. 已经说服你自己相信这些东西,你是更可能遵守一些重要规定:不拿键盘.让他们即使它更慢那种方式有和即使你必须向他们指出每一个重要那些需要打字,做所有的打字.那个是唯一的他们正将相互作用向…学习的方式. 发现什么是确实试图做的那些公亩.存在那里另一个剩下的关于它的方式吗? 或许他们不能告诉你他们已经还是怎么样做的发生.如果这样话你能问他们他们正设法做的和说"给我看你怎样做那个". 注意相互作用的符号使用.请尝试顺那样而下使你的仅仅在他们的水平以下eyes公亩蹲.当他们正看电脑的时候,看电脑.当他们正看你的时候,向后看阿特他们. 当他们做得不正确的时候,不说"没有"金色"那个的错误".他们将通过做别的什么常常回答说那个是错误.反而,仅仅告诉他们向所做的和为什么. 请尝试不要问同意-金色-禁止问题.没有人想要看起来愚蠢,所以他们的答案是可能是一个猜想.你附属向文件服务器"将在你翻转电脑右手击球员的左后方场地"之后,为你弄到更少与你怎么过的相比信息吗?. 解释你的思考.不办成神秘.如果某样东西是真实的,给他们看他们怎样能明白它的真.
