英语翻译Another potentially relevant area of inquiry might examine how specific human resourcepolicies influence the manner that a multinational organization is perceived in a host country.Pay differentials between lower and upper level employees

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英语翻译Another potentially relevant area of inquiry might examine how specific human resourcepolicies influence the manner that a multinational organization is perceived in a host country.Pay differentials between lower and upper level employees
Another potentially relevant area of inquiry might examine how specific human resource
policies influence the manner that a multinational organization is perceived in a host country.
Pay differentials between lower and upper level employees appear to be greater in Western societies.Japanese organizations have compensation systems that are more egalitarian than their North American and Western European counterparts(Crystal,1991).Research suggests that more egalitarian pay structures result in positive organizational outcomes,such as greater product quality(Cowherd&Levine,1992),as well as higher organizational and individual performance.Given that pay differentials appear to have a cultural component,pay practices implemented by a multinational organization that are inconsistent with the norms of a host country may be perceived of as unfair and unethical.These effects may spill over and influence the broader array of relationships that an organization might have with its host culture.This phenomenon might include other specific human resource policies,such as employee recruitment,selection,retention,promotion,and performance appraisal practices.As some of examples set forth above suggest,Japanese and American cultures seem to have very different beliefs about what is considered ethical conduct with respect to downsizing and layoff decisions(Grundling,1991;Rousseau,1995).Another important issue relates to how n in-group is defined for cultures that emphasize utilitarian ethics.Some cultures may not xtend their concept of ethics to members of an out-group(Pratt,1991).Thus,it may be elevant to explore how groups define their members,whether specific human resource plicies affect them,and how this influences ethical decision-making.Finally,this theory raises strategic human resource management issues.Strategic human
resource management can be defined as``the pattern of planned human resource deployments
and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals''(Wright&McMahan,992,p.296).The paragraphs above argue that by tailoring human resource management
policy to ethical issues,multinational organizations are better able to achieve the strategic
goal of higher organizational performance.Drawing on the resource-based view of the firms
(Barney,1991;Wernerfelt,1984),Wright,McMahan,and McWilliams(1994)discuss the
role of human resources in achieving a sustained competitive advantage.The resource-based
view recognizes the influence of both firm-specific resource endowments and competitive
dynamics on sustained competitive advantage.Resources that are valuable,rare,inimitable,
and nonsubstitutable are less likely to be copied or replaced by an organization's competitors
and can therefore be a source of competitive advantage

英语翻译Another potentially relevant area of inquiry might examine how specific human resourcepolicies influence the manner that a multinational organization is perceived in a host country.Pay differentials between lower and upper level employees