Problems should drive us into action and not into depressionPlease translate these sentence into simple English .(Just like explain it)Thank you!Please translate it in English ,用简单的英语来解释这句话 字数不限

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 11:28:49

Problems should drive us into action and not into depressionPlease translate these sentence into simple English .(Just like explain it)Thank you!Please translate it in English ,用简单的英语来解释这句话 字数不限
Problems should drive us into action and not into depression
Please translate these sentence into simple English .(Just like explain it)Thank you!
Please translate it in English ,用简单的英语来解释这句话 字数不限

Problems should drive us into action and not into depressionPlease translate these sentence into simple English .(Just like explain it)Thank you!Please translate it in English ,用简单的英语来解释这句话 字数不限
Problems should drive us into action and not into depression.
When we encounter difficulties,we shall not be afraid of it but take into action to solve it.

我们对待问题应迎难而上 采取行动 而非一味畏缩消沉
when we 've got problems, we 've got to stand up to them rather not avoid them passively.


When we have problems, we should deal with them, not to excape from them.

