求做几题 21道1.You _____where you leave your briefcase.a.were always forgetting b.are always forgetting c.have always forgotten d.will always forget 2.---I’d like to know whether the contract with us has been drawn up yet.---It _____at the m

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求做几题 21道1.You _____where you leave your briefcase.a.were always forgetting b.are always forgetting c.have always forgotten d.will always forget 2.---I’d like to know whether the contract with us has been drawn up yet.---It _____at the m
求做几题 21道
1.You _____where you leave your briefcase.
a.were always forgetting b.are always forgetting
c.have always forgotten d.will always forget
2.---I’d like to know whether the contract with us has been drawn up yet.
---It _____at the moment,Sir.
a.has been drawn up b.is drawing c.is being drawn up d will be drawn up
3.If you apply for the position,the form _______be filled and returned within two days.
a.is about to b.is going to c.has been to d.is to
4.---How many times______ you not to play with fire?
---Sorry,I won’t do so any longer.
a.had I warned b.have I warned c.am I warning d.did I warn
5.Doctors say it ______many years before scientists ______an effective treatment for AIDS.
a.is; develop b.is; will develop c.will be; will develop d.will be ; develop
6.He _____after most of the guests _____their leave.
a.had stayed; took b.stayed; took c.stayed; have taken d.had stayed; had taken
7. The spacecraft _____in space for seven days,but the flight lasted only 74 seconds before it exploded.
a.remained b.was to remain c.had remained d.was remained
8.We ______you for delivering goods to your door as long as you’ve paid in advance.
a.won’t charge b.didn’t charge c.hadn’t charged d.haven’t charged
9.In recent years,many people _____the safety of blood in blood banks.
a.have become concerned about b.have concerned about
c.became concerned about d.have become concerning about
10. Over the past few weeks barely a day _____without a vehicle breaking down on the rough road.
a.went by b.goes by c.has gone by d.hasn’t gone by
11. So far his scientific team _____little evidence to suggest that the caves might be dangerous.
a.has produced b.produced c.hasn’t produced d.did not produce
12.Since the drought began many farmers _____one harvest after another,unable to plant wheat on the land.
a.have been missed b.are missing c.have missed d.missed
13 This is the second time we ______improvements in that machine.
a.have made b.will make c.make d.are making
14. The old lady _____her husband that she _____nearly half of their savings into the stock market.
a.hasn’t told ;had sunk b.didn’t tell; had sunk
c.hadn’t told ; sank d.doesn’t tell; had sunk
15.Growing evidence suggests that women ______to have sleep problem.
a.should be more likely b are more likely c.will be more likely d.is more likely 16.We are faced with the conclusion that during the past three decades the storm ______almost
Twice as destructive.
a.have been grown b.have grown c.are growing d.are being grown
17.Scientists have known about the link between smoking and lung cancer for decades,but cigarette use _______.
a.is hardly decreased b.is hardly decreasing c.has hardly decreased
d.was hardly decreasing

求做几题 21道1.You _____where you leave your briefcase.a.were always forgetting b.are always forgetting c.have always forgotten d.will always forget 2.---I’d like to know whether the contract with us has been drawn up yet.---It _____at the m
1d 2d 3c 4b 5a
6b 7b 8a 9d 10a
11c 12a 13c 14a 15b
16b 17d

d d c b a
b b a d a
c a c a b
b d7

求物理换算公式(电功率范围的)如 1kw.h=____J1kw=_____w .质量为1kg的物体沿倾角为30°、长为0.2m的光滑斜面,从斜面顶端由静止下滑到斜面底端,该过程中物体重力的平均功率为____ _____W,到达斜面底端时物体的重力的瞬时功率为_____ ____W (取g=10m/s2 原题是这样的:某同学在做俯卧撑运动,可将他视为一个杠杆,他将身体撑起,双手对地面的压力为300N,若他在1min内做了20个俯卧撑,每次肩部上升的距离均为0.4m,则他的功率至少为_____W.答案是40 重力是1N的物体做自由落体运动,在第2s末重力的即时功率是____W,在第2s内重力 的平均功率是_____W. 14、如图8所示,电源电压为6V,R1阻值为10Ω,R2阻值为20Ω.闭合开关,R1两端的电压为 V,电流表的示数为______A.电阻R1的电功率为_____W. 问几个物理题的答案.1、一只小灯泡在1min内有24C的电荷量通过,通过灯丝的电流是____A,若此是小灯泡的实际功率是额定功率的1/4 其值为2W,这只小灯泡的额定电压是____V,额定功率是_____W,灯丝的 1.一个220V 950W 的电饭锅,(1)正常工作的电压是________V (2)额定功率是_____W(3)额定电流是_____A 电阻是_____Ω2.接在照明电路上的电熨斗,每小时耗电能0.5千瓦,则(1)电熨斗工作时的功率是____W(2)其电 某家用电能表标有“220V 5A 3000r/kw·h”,当家中电器全部工作时,电能表1min内转12转,由此估算该家所有电器的总功率为________W,该家能接的最大功率为_____W (1)重为1000N的小车;在拉力作用下沿水平地面匀速前进10m,用了时间10s,小车所受阻力为车重0.3倍,则拉力对小车做的功为____,功率为_____w,重力做功为_____.(2)一动滑轮把重800N的货物匀速提 电源电压为220V,R是电烙铁标有220V40W字样,L是电灯泡标有220V40W字样当开关S闭合时电烙铁每分钟产生的热量是_____当开关S断开时电烙铁的实际功率是_____W;开关S断开后,整个电路工作______h消耗1k 节能灯比同光效(发光效果相同)的白炽灯节能百分之八十,且使用寿命长.一只标有“220V,100W”的白炽灯,正常发光时通过灯丝的电流约为_____A,1kw.h的电能可供与该白炽灯光效相同的“220V,_____W” 有两个分别标有“3V 1W”和“6V 4W”的电灯,如果将它们串连在电路中,使其中一个电灯泡正常发光,另一个不被烧坏,则加在串联电路两端的电压是_____V,两灯消耗的总功率是_____W. 一亮度可调的台灯(由滑动变阻器与灯泡串联来调节亮度),白炽灯泡上标有“220V,40W”的字样,台灯最暗时灯泡的功率为10W,此时台灯消耗的功率为_____W;若灯泡消耗的电能有1%转化为频率为5× 功率一辆小轿车的功率是66kW=_____W=_____J/s 标有 220V 40W的灯泡接入110V的电路中 它的实际功率为_____W 初三物理一个标有“200v 100w”字样的灯泡接在110v的电源上求灯泡实际功率_____W,实际电流_____A 如图将灯12v12w 12v6w串联(灯泡电阻不变)先要使其中一盏灯长时间正常发光则电源电压是____V,电路总功率_____W 两盏分别标有“6V 3W”和“3V 3W”的灯泡L1和L2,将它们串联时,电路允许到达的最大功率为_____W.它们并联时,电路允许到达的最大功率为_____W.答案两个都是75W..