on Radio Shanghai为什么用on?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 17:46:15
on Radio Shanghai为什么用on?
on Radio Shanghai为什么用on?
on Radio Shanghai为什么用on?
类似的如 on air (直播),而不同in air ,这一类都是固定搭配的,你记住就行
on Radio Shanghai为什么用on?
on Rideo Shanghai为什么用on?
为什么是on the radio?为什么用on
是on radio 还是on the radio?
为什么leaving the TV or radio 后要加on?
the radio is still om的意思为什么用on
his radio is still on 为什么中间会加is
on the radio on radio in radio的区别
turn on the radio
On The Radio
On the radio,
Shanghai is on the south -east of Beijing?还是Shanghai is south-east of Beijing?为什么?
He turn on the radio and stopped ____to the radio.A listend B to listen C listening 选什么,为什么
on radio 和on the radio的区别
Turn On the Radio 歌词
turn on my radio歌词
I’m going to turn on the radio.(改为否定句)答案是I’m not going to turn on the radio.这样做行吗?I’m didn't going to turn on the radio.为什么呢?