英语翻译A mathematical model is developed for calculating the height and outline of the working space in a blast furnace from the batch surface to the axis of the air tuyere,on the basis of data regarding the density,acceleration of the batch flu
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 10:25:37
英语翻译A mathematical model is developed for calculating the height and outline of the working space in a blast furnace from the batch surface to the axis of the air tuyere,on the basis of data regarding the density,acceleration of the batch flu
A mathematical model is developed for calculating the height and outline of the working space in a blast furnace from the batch surface to the axis of the air tuyere,on the basis of data regarding the density,acceleration of the batch flux,and pressure difference of the gas.The optimal working height of blast furnaces in smelting titanomagnetite sinter and pellets is 10.1—21.8 m.For larger furnace height,relatively immobile refractory batch is formed in the bosh and periodically slips to the hearth,with impairment of the furnace's thermal state.The calculated values obtained provide guidelines in the design and reconstruction of shaft furnaces.
英语翻译A mathematical model is developed for calculating the height and outline of the working space in a blast furnace from the batch surface to the axis of the air tuyere,on the basis of data regarding the density,acceleration of the batch flu
在有关密度、批次通量(熔剂)加速度和气体压力差的数据的基础上,建立了一个数学模型,用于计算鼓风炉中,从间歇式混砂机(批量)表面到鼓风口的轴线位置的工作空间的高度和轮廓.鼓风炉熔炼钛磁铁烧结矿和球团矿的最佳工作高度是10.1 -- 21.8m.对于较大的炉膛高度,会在炉腹中形成相对稳定的难熔的成品(一批),并且周期性地滑到炉床上,伴随有鼓风炉热量状态的减弱.计算得出的结果为竖炉的设计和改建提供了准则.