what is the novel of war请帮助用英文解决一下什么是战争小说.
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:34:40
what is the novel of war请帮助用英文解决一下什么是战争小说.
what is the novel of war
what is the novel of war请帮助用英文解决一下什么是战争小说.
A NOVEL OF WAR is,a novel who's subject matter is about war,and describe the warfares,the people during the war,and so on.
what figure of speech is used in the novel?
what is the main idea of the novel the great gatsby?although i read the novel,i still cant figure out the main idea of it.
what is the novel of war请帮助用英文解决一下什么是战争小说.
the true author of the novel is ramaining unknow对吗
this is the novel is written by Guojingming.A.who B.what C.that D./
英语翻译1 What is London's first novel?2 how is the text developed
The novel Gone with the Wind is one of the best-( ) .
37.the novel gone with the wind is one of the best-( ) .选项:a、a.sel
This is the novel _____is written by Guo Jingming.A.who B.what C.that
This is the novel ___is writen by Guo Jingjing.A.who B.what C.that D./
判断:James Joyce is the founder of the “stream of consciousness” school of novel writing.James Joyce is the founder of the “stream of consciousness” school of novel writing.8.Decadent literature reflects the crisis of bourgeois culture.It
The rest of the novel ___ vert interesting A were B are C is D seem
Lu Xun wrote the novel in 1917(改为同义句) Lu Xun is the ( ) of the novel written in 1917
The name of the novel is on the ——of my tongue.tiptopedgebottom选自正确答案,给出理由并翻译
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