帮我修改一下文章,主要是语法错误,以及用得不地道的地方 谢谢!When mentioned China, people naturally think of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, etc. No doubt that all of these seem have been viewed as the s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 18:16:54

帮我修改一下文章,主要是语法错误,以及用得不地道的地方 谢谢!When mentioned China, people naturally think of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, etc. No doubt that all of these seem have been viewed as the s
帮我修改一下文章,主要是语法错误,以及用得不地道的地方 谢谢!
When mentioned China, people naturally think of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, etc. No doubt that all of these seem have been viewed as the symbols of China, and remembered forever. All of these are the tangible cultural heritage inherited from our ancestors, and of which we are always proud. But, what could we leave for the world today in the 20th century?
I would it be the passion. When referring China, people see it a nation full of passion, for spirit wealth is more valuable than material legacy.
Action leads dream fulfilled, and the key to take action rests with passion. So the key to make dream come true is whether you have passion. Take Yu Minhong, the CEO of New Oriental for instance, who is a man of passion, and was admitted by Pecking University from an impoverished mountain area unitl finally achieved his success in New Oriental through repetitive hard times. Until now he has given speeches in different universities to encourage the young of new generations to fulfill their dreams with passion. During 4 years in college, we should live everyday with passion, and march forward to our dreams. This also reflects the responsibility to work, study and life.
I hope one day I could hear the evaluation is “China, a country full of passion”.

帮我修改一下文章,主要是语法错误,以及用得不地道的地方 谢谢!When mentioned China, people naturally think of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, etc. No doubt that all of these seem have been viewed as the s
When one mentions China,people naturally think of the Great Wall,the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace,etc.No doubt that all of these have been viewed as the symbols of China,and will be remembered forever.All of these are tangible cultural heritages inherited from our ancestors,and of which we are always proud of.But,what can we leave for the world today to remember us by?
I believe it is passion.I want people to see China as a nation full of passion,because spirit wealth is more valuable than material legacy.
Action leads to fulfilled dreams,and the key to action lies in passion.So the key to make dream come true is whether or not you have passion.Take Minhong Yu,the CEO of New Oriental for instance,he was a man of passion who was as a student from an impoverished mountain area got accepted into Pecking University and later established New Oriental and made it a success after numerous hardships.Until now he has given speeches in different universities to encourage the young people to fulfill their dreams with passion.During the 4 years in college,we should live everyday with passion,and march forward to our dreams.This also reflects responsibility for work,study and life.
I hope one day I will hear the praise that “China is a country full of passion”.

帮我修改一下文章,主要是语法错误,以及用得不地道的地方 谢谢!When mentioned China, people naturally think of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, etc. No doubt that all of these seem have been viewed as the s 帮我修改一下错误这个文章 我是外国人,现在写论文,请帮我检查语法问题和修改 (文章不难)求求您帮我修改语法错误,还有我的中文很差,可以的话帮我用书面语形式来改一下,恰当的词汇来修改一下就让我的论文具有 英语作文,帮我看看有没有语法错误和用词不当的,以及怎样修改,) 我写了一篇文章能否帮我修改一下 help help!帮我修改一下作文的语法错误吧!,,,要求不能有语法错误,要不我就死了 急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 哪位朋友能帮我修改一下英语论文中的语法错误啊,有哪位朋友有时间能帮我修改一下英语论文中的语法错误 我把论文发给你! 请帮忙修改一下有没有语法错误!^ ^其实我是韩国人.现在我的汉语水平不太高,请修改一下我写的文章错误的地方 我现在没有财富 ,不过我期望应该有可以帮我的人啊!…^ ^ 他就这样却掉了心 麻烦帮我修改一下这篇英文短文下面是我写的一篇短文,麻烦高人帮忙改一下.有语法错误的改正,有遣词不地道的改正,有别扭的句子改正,有我用中文写的帮着翻成英文.非常感谢~~The friend nomina 麻烦帮我修改下这篇英语作文 有关于抗震救灾的英语文章,检查下有没有语法问题,看一下有没有语法错误,顺便帮我加几句有文采的句子.There was a terrible earthquake.Many students can not go to school beca 我是韩国人.请帮我修改一下我的汉语文章!我没有看着书.我不看着书. 英语翻译when we do everything we should to the best of one's ability 有语法错误嘛?有错误帮我修改一下 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 请专业人士检查并修改以下托福作文语句,主要看有没有语法错误我要用在托福作文里的,主要检查有没有语法错误,或者怎么表达能更符合美国人的思维习惯,如果能大概评一下分就更好了(当 请帮我看一下这篇文章有语法错误么 请帮我看一下我写的英语文章以下是我写的一篇关于奥巴马的英语文章,请帮我纠正一下语法错误.谢谢了. Jan.20th About Barack ObamaTo a lot of Americans,today is doomed to a significant day,because Barack Hussein Jr 英文高手(Grammar)帮我修改一下rewrite 和fix 那些错误的grammar请各位不要用 You这个单词写在文章里