请改正这则英语小日记的语法错误Nov.23rd,2006Exams(math,Chinese,sciencs and English)are end today.I know math and Chinese's grade.They're 109 and 94.They're compare good.But a classmate ,his grade is very good!They're 118 and 101!I think

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:47:31

请改正这则英语小日记的语法错误Nov.23rd,2006Exams(math,Chinese,sciencs and English)are end today.I know math and Chinese's grade.They're 109 and 94.They're compare good.But a classmate ,his grade is very good!They're 118 and 101!I think
Exams(math,Chinese,sciencs and English)are end today.I know math and Chinese's grade.They're 109 and 94.They're compare good.But a classmate ,his grade is very good!They're 118 and 101!I think ,I need struggle If straggle ,certainty having a good grade!

请改正这则英语小日记的语法错误Nov.23rd,2006Exams(math,Chinese,sciencs and English)are end today.I know math and Chinese's grade.They're 109 and 94.They're compare good.But a classmate ,his grade is very good!They're 118 and 101!I think
1.are end--ended are是be动词,不能和动词原形一起用.应该用end的过去时,表明已经发生的事.
2.know---have knew 因为这里表达的是“已经知道”这个结果,所以用完成时.
3.compare---comperatively 相对较好,应该用副词修饰形容词good.而compare是动词.
4.a classmate---one of my classmates 同学之一
5.need struggle---I should study harder 因为struggle 表示的是“挣扎”.应该表达为“更加努力学习”
6.最后一句----If I study harder,I am sure I can do better.你的句子不符合语法.

请改正这则英语小日记的语法错误Nov.23rd,2006Exams(math,Chinese,sciencs and English)are end today.I know math and Chinese's grade.They're 109 and 94.They're compare good.But a classmate ,his grade is very good!They're 118 and 101!I think 什么是NOV?英语的缩写 我想找个英语伙伴,提高我的英语……请报名,在我的话中有语法错误时,请帮我改正! 英语里面的Nov是什么意思啊 请指出这句英文的语法错误I just wanna tell the unhappy of mine并予以改正 Nov.2用英语怎么读 这句用英语怎么说呢?(我英语不是很好,总会出现语法错误,请见谅!我回在不断的交流中努力改正这些错误的.) 请帮忙修改英语演讲稿.My Dream of Life.1、请找出这篇演讲稿的语法错误并加以改正;2、个人认为这篇演讲稿(我自己写的,我是个高二学生,但英语不太好)太中文化,希望可以得到指点,提升档 I'd like to invite you have a meal.这句话有语法错误吗.请改正 哪位高人能帮我看看我的英语自我介绍有没有语法错误,怎样改正 这句话有语法错误吗?Participate in the two projects,complete the PLC programming.如果有,请帮忙改正,恩,对的 请问这句话有语法错误吗?有的话请帮我改正一下谢谢!Somebody who make me to be isolated .那些排斥我的人. 跪请初二2篇英语日记记事的 懂路由器或者懂英语的朋友们来看看 0 [Wed Nov 03 14:22:37 2010][PPPoE]recv PADO 1 [Wed Nov 03 14:22:37 2010][PPPoE]Session_ID=10083 2 [Wed Nov 03 14:22:37 2010][PPP]LCP stating 3 [Wed Nov 03 14:22:40 2010][PPP]Chap Receive Failure (user 请各位大侠帮忙看看语法错误并帮忙改正 也可以提意见如何改进1拜托语法错误用词不当请一定帮忙改正 2如果作为一篇三分钟的演讲稿 请各位大虾多多给建议以下是全文EqualityAs we know our soc 悬浮聚合是单体以小液滴状悬浮在水中的聚合方法.单体中溶有引发剂,一个小液滴就相当于一个小本体聚合单请马上回答且改正翻译工具里的语法错误谢谢 英语小日记 英语生活小日记