谁能帮我看下这是什么意思.on error resume nextdim WSHshellAset WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 120 -c ""说我是猪,不说我是猪就两分钟关你机,不信,试试···"" ",0 ,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 02:53:16

谁能帮我看下这是什么意思.on error resume nextdim WSHshellAset WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 120 -c ""说我是猪,不说我是猪就两分钟关你机,不信,试试···"" ",0 ,
on error resume next
dim WSHshellA
set WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 120 -c ""说我是猪,不说我是猪就两分钟关你机,不信,试试···"" ",0 ,true
dim a
do while(a "我是猪")
a = inputbox ("说我是猪,就不关机,快撒,说 ""我是猪"" ","说不说","不说",8000,7000)
msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + a,0,"MsgBox"
msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "早说就行了嘛,何必这么吓人"
dim WSHshell
set WSHshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
WSHshell.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0 ,true
msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "哈哈哈哈,今天真过瘾."

谁能帮我看下这是什么意思.on error resume nextdim WSHshellAset WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 120 -c ""说我是猪,不说我是猪就两分钟关你机,不信,试试···"" ",0 ,
on error resume next
dim WSHshellA ‘定义变量
set WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 120 -c ""说我是猪,不说我是猪就两分钟关你机,不信,试试···"" ",0 ,true ’启动定时关机程序
dim a ‘定义变量
do while(a "我是猪") ’ 每当不输入“我是猪”
a = inputbox ("说我是猪,就不关机,快撒,说 ""我是猪"" ","说不说","不说",8000,7000) ‘提示输入“我是猪"
msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + a,0,"MsgBox" '否则
loop ’返回
msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "早说就行了嘛,何必这么吓人" ‘提示
dim WSHshell
set WSHshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
WSHshell.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0 ,true ’解除定时关机
msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "哈哈哈哈,今天真过瘾." '提示

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