how to make the girl known you ,like you who can help me I meet a good girl ,I think she is my love .but there is a mistake ,she sad me temper is no good ,i am sure a good boy ,and i am goodness mature and empressement.who can tell me .what can i do

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/07 09:20:29

how to make the girl known you ,like you who can help me I meet a good girl ,I think she is my love .but there is a mistake ,she sad me temper is no good ,i am sure a good boy ,and i am goodness mature and empressement.who can tell me .what can i do
how to make the girl known you ,like you who can help me
I meet a good girl ,I think she is my love .but there is a mistake ,she sad me temper is no good ,i am sure a good boy ,and i am goodness mature and empressement.who can tell me .what can i do

how to make the girl known you ,like you who can help me I meet a good girl ,I think she is my love .but there is a mistake ,she sad me temper is no good ,i am sure a good boy ,and i am goodness mature and empressement.who can tell me .what can i do
从心理学的角度,我比较了解女孩子的心理.女孩子大多不会主动出击,去追求自己喜欢的男孩,除了确实太喜欢了或者是那种比较有个性的勇敢的女孩子.所以,如果你很喜欢一个女孩子,并且认为她对你也有点意思,那就主动点,别跟她搞拉锯战,自己难受,说不定你喜欢的人也痛苦. 任何一个女孩子在被人追的时候,心理都是很复杂的.她也许很开心,但是又带着点惶恐,她对这个闯进自己平静的生活的男孩子,有着欲拒还迎的矛盾心理,她不是故意的.不要以为她在考验你,她其实也在和自己斗争,她怕受到伤害. 不要怕你的主动会带来她的反感,你不主动,她也不主动,也就慢慢淡下来了.如果你开始的表白被她拒绝,那也很正常呀.不要气馁,谁知道这个女孩子心里在想什么呢? 也许你再表白两次,她就会被你打动,一个心地善良的好女孩是很容易感动的. 如果你受到一次挫折,就立刻离开,再也不去答理这个女孩,把自己紧紧地保护起来,默默地舔舐伤口,在你痛苦的同时,殊不知,那个女孩子也许也正在心里遗憾,后悔呢!也许她会偷偷哭泣,后悔拒绝了你,再看到你漠然的眼神,她也很痛心,但是她却不会对你说,绝对不会请求你回来追她.你的过度的自尊心,可能会伤害了女孩子敏感的心. 她会认为你不是真诚的喜欢他,要不怎么会就这么放弃了她? 有人说,男生真难,追女孩子太不容易了.可是我的感觉却是,这种现象跟男人和女人的社会角色定位是分不开的,从生理和社会的角度,女人总是被动的.如果反过来,让男人都脉脉含羞,女人变得勇往直前,世界才乱了套呢!女人的羞涩总是美好的,动人的呀~~~我总是听说是某个勇敢的男人战胜了多少困难,最终获得佳人芳心.相反的例子却少得很. 有的男生,就怕别人说自己什么死缠烂打,落下不好的名声.可是我觉得男生追求自己喜欢的女孩子,受了点挫折还继续对这个女孩子好,说明人家确实很喜欢,很有诚意,如果没成功,也不遗憾,并没什么啊?谁让人家喜欢了?最讨厌别人跟着瞎掺乎,也最讨厌那种自己没主意,过于在乎别人对自己看法的男生,活该这种男生找不到女朋友. 是男人就勇敢点,女孩子本来就感性,容易沉浸在爱情里.虽然你付出了辛苦,而一旦你的真心打动了她,那么你得到的将是更多更久的加倍的爱.这样的例子,在身边比比皆是.女孩子对自己的男朋友都是很温柔很贴心的,为了换来这份甜蜜,开头的辛苦算什么啊?而且大多好女孩都爱得挺投入挺专一的. 所以,建议有的男生勇敢一点,去追求自己喜欢的女孩子,不要那么畏畏缩缩,一来是让人觉得你没男人气概,二来是你自己怪难受的,然而最最最重要的还是:最后你什么都得不到.幸福总是自己挣来的,别指望别人施舍给你! 再补充一句,我觉得主动点儿挺好的,因为你的目标是你自己真心喜欢的,女孩子往往被动,被动的只能选择接受和拒绝,所以我宁愿主动出击,爱我所爱,无怨无悔

Well, it is lucky enough for you to find the one you love. But the love takes two. Above all, you should figure out how she feels about you. Of course, it also takes time for you to know each other. A...


Well, it is lucky enough for you to find the one you love. But the love takes two. Above all, you should figure out how she feels about you. Of course, it also takes time for you to know each other. As a man, you should express yourself bravely and let her know you love her. Then what you do all is to show how you love her. (e.g. you can help her when she is needy. you can give a gift to her in a certain memorable day. Even you can pick her up every day when she comes off work if you have a car.) A Girl like a flower is not the most beautiful one, which suits you. On the contrary, one who suits you, I suppose, must be the best.
