英语翻译Another example of the same kind of phenomenon occurs in the plurals of English nouns.Consider the words cat,cats,dog and dogs.A native English speaker explaining how plurals are formed is likely to say something like "you add an s sound
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英语翻译Another example of the same kind of phenomenon occurs in the plurals of English nouns.Consider the words cat,cats,dog and dogs.A native English speaker explaining how plurals are formed is likely to say something like "you add an s sound
Another example of the same kind of phenomenon occurs in the plurals of English nouns.Consider the words cat,cats,dog and dogs.A native English speaker explaining how plurals are formed is likely to say something like "you add an s sound to the end." Careful listening will show that cats is indeed pronounced with a s sound,but dogs is not:it ends with a z sound.Yet as with my previous example,English speakers don't normally notice this difference.Again it isn't because they can't distinguish between s and z since Sue and zoo or hiss and his differ only in their s and z sounds.
The conclusion is that the sounds that native speakers 'hear' are not the sounds they make.This is important in both speech synthesis and speech recognition.When generating speech from written text,a synthesizer must not turn every n or s into an n or s sound,but must use more complex rules which mimic the native speaker.Similarly a speech recognition system must recognize the sounds in rum and run as distinct,but must NOT decide that imput and input are different words.
Even more awkward is the fact that this behaviour operates across word boundaries.Try saying these sentences quickly and in an 'informal' style:
When playing football,watch the referee.When talking about other people,watch who's listening.When catching a hard ball,wear gloves.
You'll find (at least if you speak the same dialect of English as me) that you say whem,when and wheN respectively.This means that
a speech synthesis system will not sound right if it simply uses pre-recordedwords,since how these are pronounced changes depending on neighbouring words
a speech recognition system must treat the three pronunciations of when as the same while distinguishing between the same sounds in rum,run and rung.
Even this example doesn't capture all the complexities.A native speaker of American English pronounces the t and d in the words write,writer,ride,rider differently from a native speaker of English English.If we ignore the very slightly different pronunciation of the d,the words will be pronounced roughly as write,wrider,ride and rider.That is,write and ride are clearly distinguishable whereas writer and rider are pronounced EXACTLY the same.Yet a native speaker of this dialect doesn't 'hear' this.The actual sounds used in the sentence I'm a writer and I write books will be something like I'm a rider and I write books but will cause no confusion whatsoever; a listener who is used to this dialect will hear writer not rider.
英语翻译Another example of the same kind of phenomenon occurs in the plurals of English nouns.Consider the words cat,cats,dog and dogs.A native English speaker explaining how plurals are formed is likely to say something like "you add an s sound
更让人尴尬的事实是,这种特性甚至延伸到词与词之间.试着用‘非正式’的语气快速说以下几句话:When playing football, watch the referee.When talking about other people, watch who's listening.When catching a hard ball, wear gloves.
(起码如果你和我说同一种方言的话),你会发现你会分别说出Whem, when, when. 这说明了语音合成系统如果纯粹用提前录好的单词是没法合成听起来自然的声音的,因为一个词的发音会取决于前后词的读音.
语音识别系统必须在能够处理When的三种读音的同时,还能够区别rum, run,和rung.
就连这个例子都没法表现所有的复杂情况.美国腔的人在发write,writer, ride, rider的t和d音德时候和英国腔的人不同.如果我们忽略这微小的发音差别,这些词能够勉强发音成是write, wrider, ride, rider. 也就是说ride和write可以被清楚识别,可是rider和writer就变成发音一模一样.虽然用这些方言腔调的人完全没有‘听’出这点.在I’m a write and I write books这句话里的实际发音听起来像是:I’m a rider and I write books,但是却不会引起歧义,因为用这种方言的听众会自动将其听成writer,而不是rider.
同学,您让给翻的咋越来越长咧!?不会还有part4吧!?有的话一次性发给我结了!- 已经快跟翻晕过去的龙音留
另一个例子是同类现象中的复数形式英语名词。考虑的话猫,猫,狗和狗。一个本地的英语解释如何形成的复数形式可能会说几句诸如“您新增一个S健全的结束。 ”仔细听就会发现,猫的确是明显的声音,但狗不是:它结束宰声音。然而,正如我前面的例子,英语通常不会注意到这个差别。再次是不是因为他们无法区分s和ž自休和动物园或嘶嘶声和他的差别只在其语和z的声音。
另一个例子是同类现象中的复数形式英语名词。考虑的话猫,猫,狗和狗。一个本地的英语解释如何形成的复数形式可能会说几句诸如“您新增一个S健全的结束。 ”仔细听就会发现,猫的确是明显的声音,但狗不是:它结束宰声音。然而,正如我前面的例子,英语通常不会注意到这个差别。再次是不是因为他们无法区分s和ž自休和动物园或嘶嘶声和他的差别只在其语和z的声音。
你会发现(至少如果你讲同样的方言英语作为箱) ,您说whem时,当分别。这意味着,
1语音合成系统不健全的权利,如果它只是利用前recordedwords ,因为这些都是明显的变化取决于邻国的话
即使这个例子并不捕获所有的复杂性。母语的美式英语宣布的t和d的字写,作家,游戏机,骑手不同于母语的英语。如果我们忽视了非常略有不同发音的D中,将突出大致写, wrider ,游戏机和骑手。这是,写和乘坐的明确区分,而作家和车手都明显完全相同的。然而,母语的方言没有'听'这一点。实际使用的声音一句我是一个作家,我写的书籍将会像我是一名车手,我写书,但会不会造成混乱的;一名听众是谁用这种方言将听取作家没有骑手。