creditorn 和creditor 有什么区别?前者是以前的古语吗?

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creditorn 和creditor 有什么区别?前者是以前的古语吗?
creditorn 和creditor 有什么区别?

creditorn 和creditor 有什么区别?前者是以前的古语吗?

creditorn 和creditor 有什么区别?前者是以前的古语吗? creditor和investor区别 creditor coordination 什么是creditor lender和creditor是什么意思,他们有什么分别吗?如题 creditor beneficiary是什么意思 creditor loaner有区别吗? Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor怎么样 creditor什么意思?是银行吗 请问Financial accounting中的trade creditor和trade debtor怎么解释啊~我知道trade creditor是指account payable(是liabilities这边的),trade debtor是指account receivable(是assets这边的)..但是为什么会这样解释啊~credi 会计学问题(英语),希望要有分析分析asset,liability和owner"s equity的变化Paid amount owing that was outstanding to a creditor.Billed customers for delivery services on account.Purchased office furniture on account.Obtained ba creditor 与debtor搞不清楚?字典上说creditor是债权人,debtor是债务人的意思吧? 但是今天在bec高级书上的一篇讲accounting的文章中介绍: creditor(GB)or accounts payable(US); debtor(GB)or accounts receivable(US); 如 The Creditor agreed to give the Debtor a loan in the amount of Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand Dollars Only. 请问这句话中的that of 在句子中是什么成分?Primarily,the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor--who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn. 英语翻译That’s what happenswhen you’re the world’s biggest creditor:you get to drop hints like that,which would be enough by themselves tocreate international economicchaos if they were ever leaked 英语翻译1.A company’s economic resources,such as cash,inventory,and buildings and the claims against those resources at a particular timeEconomic Resources = Equities2.Economic Resources = Creditor’s Equities + Stockholder’s EquityIn accoun 英语翻译急需一段英文翻译,这是跟经济学有关的一段文字,Bear Stearns could not borrow because its creditor banks and counterparties use modern risk management systems that require them to hold enough capital to meet potential los 英语翻译Bankruptcy laws and debt renegotiation AbstractThis paper analyzes the effect of the toughness of bankruptcy law on the number of liquidations in a simple model of borrowing and lending with asymmetric information,where the creditor canno