英语翻译The problem is most people don't know the safe way to surf the Web."They use a search engine like Google,get 18 trillion choices and start clicking.But that's risky,because almost any body can put up a site that looks authoritative,so it'
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:11:55
英语翻译The problem is most people don't know the safe way to surf the Web."They use a search engine like Google,get 18 trillion choices and start clicking.But that's risky,because almost any body can put up a site that looks authoritative,so it'
The problem is most people don't know the safe way to surf the Web."They use a search engine like Google,get 18 trillion choices and start clicking.But that's risky,because almost any body can put up a site that looks authoritative,so it's hard to know if what you're reading is reasonable or not," says Dr.Sarah Bass from the National Cancer Institute.
英语翻译The problem is most people don't know the safe way to surf the Web."They use a search engine like Google,get 18 trillion choices and start clicking.But that's risky,because almost any body can put up a site that looks authoritative,so it'
最大的问题是,很多人不知道怎么才能安全的网上冲浪.“他们使用一些类似于google的搜索引擎,得到18万亿个结果然后开始点击.但那是一种有风险的行为,因为几乎任何人都可以建立一个看似权威可信的网站,所以你很难知道自己正在阅读的内容是否是可靠合理的.”来自国家癌症研究院的Sarah Bass(莎拉·贝斯)博士(或者医生)如是说.
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大多数人不知道怎样安全上网是个严重的问题!国际癌症学会的Sarah Bass博士说: “他们使用像谷歌之类的搜索引擎,得到18万亿个结果然后点击开。但是那太冒险了!因为几乎所有人都可以建立一个看似很权威的网站。因此很难知道你在阅读的信息是否可靠。”...
大多数人不知道怎样安全上网是个严重的问题!国际癌症学会的Sarah Bass博士说: “他们使用像谷歌之类的搜索引擎,得到18万亿个结果然后点击开。但是那太冒险了!因为几乎所有人都可以建立一个看似很权威的网站。因此很难知道你在阅读的信息是否可靠。”