这两句话哪句写得更好?请给理由A browse through their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.Browsing their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.大致意思是:通过浏览他们的网页,更
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:44:29
这两句话哪句写得更好?请给理由A browse through their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.Browsing their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.大致意思是:通过浏览他们的网页,更
A browse through their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.
Browsing their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.
这两句话哪句写得更好?请给理由A browse through their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.Browsing their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.大致意思是:通过浏览他们的网页,更
这两句话哪句写得更好?请给理由A browse through their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.Browsing their web pages has further stimulated my interest in their works.大致意思是:通过浏览他们的网页,更
速度变化得越大,加速度就越大 .这句话对吗?最好给下理由,
BRO什么意思今天一老几给我发短信 BRO BRO的,
请给一句英文挑错You still can stand a little chance of that job.这句话中的still 和can 的位置对吗.说明理由,
i am talking to my bro for detail这句话翻译成中文什么意思
如何把这句话翻译得更好 a person is missing only if another person misses them.
关于认识与实践关系的问题单选题:请说明选择理由,36、“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”,“要想知道梨子的味道,就得亲口尝一尝”.这两句话体现的哲学原理是( C)A、实践是认识的来源之一 B、实
在同一个三角形中,有两个底角相等的三角形是等腰三角形; 有两个角互余的三角形是直角三角形.这两句话哪句说得对?那么另外一句又为什么错?请说明理由.
室内甲醛含量0.01跟得上空气污染指数为100(二级、良)的空气 昨天历史记录不小心删了,请再给个明确答案,说明理由更好,
麻烦大家翻译一句话 英译中,谢谢ok bro the game was deal with some one i will see if he can do it for you 请大家帮忙翻译下这句话,谢谢
He does have a book.这句话对吗?请讲理由.