
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 22:34:29


As we realize that it is necessary to learn English,and while making a decision to solve this difficulty,we want:1,Investment our time and intelligence.We are not silly,enough intelligence and brain space digest and store those ABCD.Someone else can learn,we can learn even,so long as we are good at investing one's own time.God composes to us for 24 hours of every day,go to work for 8 hours,sleep for 7 hours,breakfast,lunch and dinner meal is 2 hours,the hour of baffled kill2,should have an hour to study in any case.The busier person,have time to do things; Unoccupied sluggish person,find time do things.
2,Create the feeling of a kind of fondness of English from the bottom of heart.Study English regard one happy and happy cushy job as,toughen one's scalp,head hang roof beam,awl sharp coolie.So,should proceed with the simple one first and look for a good teaching material or a story-book (new word amount does not exceed 30%) to concentrate one's attention on and study carefully,know and carry feeling silently,there is sense of reaping,taste the good benefits,and then confidence is ampler.Such as beginning to gnaw a vocabulary too big,there is no book that dictionary can not be read,will only strangle the interest of studying,reduce mood,give up finally.

帮忙写一篇关于东西方一日三餐差别的英语作文150字!写成口语的形式,最好是对话形式也可以是作文形式!最少150词啊! 写一篇关于我的一日三餐的英语作文一篇写自己一日三餐的英语作文.初一水平就行 请帮忙《写一篇英语作文》(1)多吃蔬菜水果(2)自己的一日三餐吃什么? 求一篇关于东西方文化的英语短文一篇关于东西方文化的英语短文,要短的,不要从别的地方粘,文化的,饮食的都行 写一篇关于我的一日三餐的英语作文(过去式) 帮忙写一篇英语作文,关于干旱. 一篇关于饮食爱好及一日三餐的英语文章谁能帮我写一篇这样的英语文章,只要10句就行了,好的话会加分的! 请写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你家人的一日三餐,不少于50词 写一篇你一家人一日三餐的饮食习惯〔英语文章〕要写多一点 用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你一日三餐喜欢吃什么食品,不少于50个单词. 请写一篇英语短文,介绍你喜欢和不喜欢的食物及你的一日三餐 关于城乡教育差别的英语作文.. 关于东西方文化差异的议论文生活中很多细节能反映出文化差异.请帮忙找一篇关于你如何看待东西方差异的议论文, 英语作文关于一日三餐的作文 关于健康的一日三餐的英语作文 帮忙写一篇关于旅游或爬山的英语作文, 帮忙写一篇关于酒后驾车的英语记叙文急 帮忙写一篇英语作文,关于网络的