英语翻译"Harry Potter" for the main character,a shaman,the wizard,ghosts,monsters,dragons and evil,justice.From the film,friends can reflect on the friendship,respect for teachers,in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 14:44:47

英语翻译"Harry Potter" for the main character,a shaman,the wizard,ghosts,monsters,dragons and evil,justice.From the film,friends can reflect on the friendship,respect for teachers,in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of
"Harry Potter" for the main character,a shaman,the wizard,ghosts,monsters,dragons and evil,justice.From the film,friends can reflect on the friendship,respect for teachers,in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage.With these,they have time and again to escape the difficulties."Harry Potter" these books with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story.Where records of their fighting together,sharing happiness together,with little Didi Fenyou disturbed things.Everything is so magical!In that magical world of the shaman lived,there are fewer old.When the messenger owl.Cups,hats,are believed to be his opening remarks.Flying broom is their means of transport,and more can be compared to the birds and the sky,and Qizhao Ta can quickly fly in less than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit.Chess masters will follow the case,the owner let it go it will go.Order - G,their will to move.Portraits,the people are living,they can talk,you can jump out of their Xiangkuang to other Xiangkuang Lane.There are many castles in the ghost,they can walk,you can talk to the moving castle in anything,you can penetrate any object,and sometimes engage in mischief (Pippi ghosts).There are so many wonderful!No wonder our small magician Harry Potter magic will be popular throughout the world.I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners,and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched I always memorable.

英语翻译"Harry Potter" for the main character,a shaman,the wizard,ghosts,monsters,dragons and evil,justice.From the film,friends can reflect on the friendship,respect for teachers,in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of
哈利·波特”为主要特征,巫师,巫师,鬼,怪物,龙和邪恶,正义.从电影,朋友可以反映了友谊,尊重教师,在面对困难和邪恶从不flinched面对精神的勇气.有了这些,他们一次又一次地逃避困难.”哈利·波特:“这些书与他的两个最好的朋友在霍格沃茨魔法学校的故事.他们在战斗记录在一起,一起分享快乐,小弟弟Fenyou扰动的东西.一切都是那么的神奇!在魔法世界的萨满,很少有老.当信使猫头鹰.杯子,帽子,被认为是他的开场白.飞天扫帚是他们的交通工具,更可以比作是鸟类和天空,Qizhao助教会很快就飞到低于几分钟就可到达你想去的地方.国际象棋大师将遵循情况下,业主会去吧.为了克,他们将继续.画像,人民生活,他们会说话,你能跳出自己的像框其他Xiangkuang Xiangkuang车道.有许多的幽灵城堡,他们可以走,你可以与任何移动的城堡,你可以穿透任何物体,有时在搞恶作剧(皮皮鬼).有很多精彩的!难怪我们的小巫师哈利·波特魔法将在世界各地流行.我最佩服的是哈利·波特和他的伙伴们,他们所面临的困难恶灵从不flinched我总是令人难忘.(百度翻译)