来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 18:22:43
世宗的时候,宦官没有擅长权术的人,而严嵩当宰相二十年间,在《明史》里记录在册的没收家产有:黄金三万多两,白银二百多万两,其他的珍宝不计其数,这都是属于骇人听闻的了.但是野史里记载:严嵩的儿子严世藩跟他的妻子把黄金藏在地窖里,每一个地窖里放一百万两黄金,总共有十几个地窖.严世藩说:“不能不让父亲知道.”严嵩来到地窖,看见这番情景也十分惊讶,也担心聚很多财物而不能周济别人,引起众人的怨恨,最后会损失更大.然而史料所记载的还不是全部的数目.如今沈炼沈大人要弹劾严嵩,说“严嵩是拿着御史的职权,即使是县衙里的小官员只要拿东西贿赂严嵩也可以得到抚案这一官职的俸禄,以至于很多官员要巴结奉承严嵩,长此以往,人民的财产都被搜刮干净了.”杨继盛弹劾严嵩说严嵩“文武官员的升职,无论这个官员有没有能力只看官员贿赂严嵩钱数的多少来判断.各个将领们为了贿赂严嵩,不得不剥削下属的士兵.有的官员为了贿赂严嵩,不得不收刮民财.”许学诗弹劾严嵩说严嵩“如果都城里有警报,严嵩就秘密让人把财产转移到南方,装财产的大车有十几辆,大船也有十几艘.”王宗茂弹劾严嵩说严嵩“文官为了升官而贿赂,而这些钱必定是从老百姓身上剥削来的;武将为了升官而贿赂 ,而这些钱必定是从军饷里克扣而来.陛下的财产不足以支持边疆一年的军费,而严嵩所积攒的财产却足够边疆数年的军费.与其发布买卖官爵的法令,为什么不用严嵩的家产解决这一问题呢?”
Sejong, the eunuchs were not good at the right, while the phase two decades Yan Song, Ming Shi Ji did the number is written: three thousand two gold, platinum two hundred thousand two, he treasures un...
Sejong, the eunuchs were not good at the right, while the phase two decades Yan Song, Ming Shi Ji did the number is written: three thousand two gold, platinum two hundred thousand two, he treasures uncountable meter, this is already available startle. The anecdotes contained: Yan Shi Fan pit gold and his wife on the ground, per million of a pit, where a dozen pit, saying "can not not see the old man's." And Song to also taken aback and lay dead in multi-Tibet thick for concern . The history biography contained, yet non-real number. Song Shen Lian impeach this case, stating that his "embrace the right to censor, although counties Xiaoli goods were also ask to take the case of the old cases cord, causing Yuji delivery phase Cheng Feng, and wealth of the people day cut." Impeach Song Shu Yang Jisheng , that "civil and military relocation pull, whether, but asked the bribe amount would Benten bribes Song, Juan had to cut his soldiers; Yousi bribes Song, had to break up g people." Xu Song poem impeach sparse, so-called "capital with the police, Song Choi Yun Nan also dense, carts dozens multiply, House Boat dozen vessels. "Wang Zongmao impeach Song, called" Ability and to bribe out of its doors, it certainly stripping people of wealth; generals to bribe out of its doors, it certainly Ke armies rates. Majesty Tangcang, inadequate support plurilateral year fee, Song of the plot, you can count on. started selling its official post of the order, how about membership of its home to relieve the suffering? "