关于matlab/simulink仿真过程出现的inf和NaN问题!Derivative input 1 of at time 0.2686788627406385 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed st

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 19:02:58

关于matlab/simulink仿真过程出现的inf和NaN问题!Derivative input 1 of at time 0.2686788627406385 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed st
Derivative input 1 of at time 0.2686788627406385 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances).修改了误差容限和步长,要么有同样的问题要么一直running.请问该如何解决.

关于matlab/simulink仿真过程出现的inf和NaN问题!Derivative input 1 of at time 0.2686788627406385 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed st

matlab里的Simulink仿真中sum元件怎么关于X轴对称 matlab中simulink 如何设置仿真步距 关于matlab/simulink仿真过程出现的问题!仿真时出现仿真诊断“Derivative input 1 of 'wenya_filer/Transfer Fcn'(文件名) at time 0.2686788627406385 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If matlab/simulink里面如何仿真恒功率负载?matlab/simulink仿真电子电子拓扑,需要有恒功率负载,如何模拟恒功率负载呢,或者说matlab/Simulink里面有没有非线性电阻呢? matlab仿真惯性环节(1/Ts+1)在Simulink如何表示 matlab/Simulink仿真怎么设置能让横坐标表示为电压,纵坐标为电流 如何截取matlab图simulink仿真后得曲线图,如何截取,改背景色等 如何查看MATLAB中simulink仿真曲线的超调量、调节时间等参数? 怎样用Matlab/Simulink仿真出可变电感和可变电阻的模块?小弟急用,另有重谢! 论文翻译The first one is more appropriated in describing the power system as it is physically论文是 关于 matlab/simulink 光伏逆变器仿真Two kinds of graphical software are considered forstudying control of system with power electronics 我在书上看到一个MATLAB中Simulink,关于微分方程系统的小例子.Integrator的初始值为100,仿真时间1S最终的图像代表什么意思,刻度不懂微分方程系统是x'=x-0.5x^2 有关超导磁储能smes的matlab/simulink仿真模型的建立现在要在matlab里建立一个smes的模型进行仿真,不知道有没有人做过,这个月要做好了~~~~~~~~另外,在《超导磁储能系统(smes)及其在电力系统中 Simulink仿真中如何动态改变电阻我建了一个电力系统的仿真,想观察下某电阻改变时各回路变化,可以在运行时改变电阻吗?比如说每过一秒增加1欧.没学过matlab,请回答详细些 simulink仿真中的问题我在用MATLAB中的SIMULINK做仿真时出现以下错误提示,Trouble solving algebraic loop containing 'chap5_1sim/TmpHiddenBuffer_Feeding_S-Function_AtInput1' at time 3400. Stopping simulation. There may be a singula simulink仿真图怎样弄进world simulink仿真中怎么加入死区 Simulink常微分方程建模仿真问题 如何做关于LTE功率控制的matlab仿真