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Mid-Autumn Festival customs

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中国地缘广大,人口众多,风俗各异,中秋节的过法也是多种多样,并带有浓厚的地方特色。一些地方还形成了很多特殊的中秋习俗。除了赏月、祭月、吃月饼外,还有香港的舞火龙、安徽的堆宝塔、广州的树中秋、晋江的烧塔仔、苏州石湖看串月、傣族的拜月、苗族的跳月、侗族的偷月亮菜、高山族的托球舞等。 福建——浦城,女子过中秋要穿行南浦桥,以求长寿。在建宁,中秋夜以挂灯为向月宫求子的吉兆。上杭县人...


中国地缘广大,人口众多,风俗各异,中秋节的过法也是多种多样,并带有浓厚的地方特色。一些地方还形成了很多特殊的中秋习俗。除了赏月、祭月、吃月饼外,还有香港的舞火龙、安徽的堆宝塔、广州的树中秋、晋江的烧塔仔、苏州石湖看串月、傣族的拜月、苗族的跳月、侗族的偷月亮菜、高山族的托球舞等。 福建——浦城,女子过中秋要穿行南浦桥,以求长寿。在建宁,中秋夜以挂灯为向月宫求子的吉兆。上杭县人过中秋,儿女多在拜月时请月姑。龙岩人吃月饼时,家长会在中央挖出直径二、三寸的圆饼供长辈食用,意思是秘密事不能让晚辈知道。这个习俗是源于月饼中藏有反元杀敌讯息的传说。金门中秋拜月前要先拜天公。 广东——潮汕各地有中秋拜月的习俗,主要是妇女和小孩,有“男不圆月,女不祭灶”的俗谚。晚上,皓月初升,妇女们便在院子里、阳台上设案当空祷拜。银烛高燃,香烟缭绕,桌上还摆满佳果和饼食作为祭礼。当地还有中秋吃芋头的习惯,潮汕有俗谚:“河溪对嘴,芋仔食到”。八月间,正是芋的收成时节,农民都习惯以芋头来祭拜祖先。这固然与农事有关,但民间还有一则流传广泛的传说:1279年,蒙古贵族灭了南宋,建立元朝,对汉人进行了残酷的统治。马发据守潮州抗元,城破后,百姓惨遭屠杀。为了不忘胡人统治之苦,后人就取芋头与“胡头”谐音,且形似人头,以此来祭奠祖先,历代相传,至今犹存。 广州的树中秋——中秋节在广州有种富有情趣的传统风俗,叫“树中秋”。每逢中秋节,各家要用竹条扎灯,灯的开头多样,不果品灯,也有鸟兽、鱼虫灯,也可砌成字灯。到了夜里,就在灯内燃烛,下面再联结许多小灯,用绳系在竹竿上。然后将竹竿插在房屋高处,如平台、屋顶或高树之上。入夜,满城灯火,如繁星点点,和天上明月争辉,以此庆贺中秋,也叫“竖中秋”。 江南一带的民间在中秋节人习俗也是多种多样。南京人中秋爱吃月饼外,必吃金陵名菜桂花鸭。“桂花鸭”于桂子飘香之时应市,肥而不腻,味美可口。酒后必食一小糖芋头,浇以桂浆,美不待言。“桂浆”,取名自屈原《楚辞?少司命》“援北方闭兮酌桂浆”。桂浆,一名糖桂花,中秋前后采摘,用糖及酸梅腌制而成。江南妇女手巧,把诗中的咏物,变为桌上佳肴。 南京人合家赏月称“庆团圆”,团坐聚饮叫“圆月”,出游街市称“走月”。 南京——明初南京有望月楼、玩月桥,清代狮子山下筑朝月楼,皆供人赏月,而以游玩月桥者为最。人们在明月高悬时,结伴同登望月楼、游玩月桥,以共睹玉兔为乐。“玩月桥”在夫子庙秦淮河南,桥旁为名妓马湘兰宅第,这夜,士子聚集桥头笙箫弹唱,追忆牛渚玩月,对月赋诗,故称此桥为玩月桥。明亡后,渐渐衰落,后人有诗去:“风流南曲已烟销,剩得西风长板桥,却忆玉人桥上坐,月明相对教吹箫”。长板桥,即原先的玩月桥。 近年来,南京夫子庙已重新修葺,恢复明清年间的一些亭阁,疏浚河道,待到中秋佳节时,就可结伴同来领略此地的玩月佳趣了。 江苏省——无锡县中秋夜要烧斗香。香斗四周糊有纱绢,绘有月宫中的景色。也有香斗以线香编成,上面插有纸扎的魁星及彩色旌旗。上海人中秋宴以桂花蜜酒佐食。 江西省——吉安县在中秋节的傍晚,每个村都用稻草烧瓦罐。待瓦罐烧红后,再放醋进去。这时就会有香味飘满全村。新城县过中秋时,自八月十一夜起就悬挂通草灯,直至八月十七日止。 安徽省——婺源中秋节,儿童以砖瓦堆一中空宝塔。塔上挂以帐幔匾额等装饰品,又置一桌于塔前,陈设各种敬“塔神”的器具。夜间则内外都点上灯烛。绩溪中秋儿童打中秋炮。中秋炮是以稻草扎成发辫状,浸湿后再拿起来向石上打击,使发出巨响并有游火龙的风俗。火龙是以称草扎成的龙,身上插有香柱。游火龙时有锣鼓队同行,游遍各村后再送至河中。 四川省——过中秋除了吃月饼外,还要打粑、杀鸭子、吃麻饼、蜜饼等。有的地方也点桔灯,悬于门口,以示庆祝。也有儿童在柚子上插满香,沿街舞动,叫做“舞流星香球”。嘉定县中秋节祭土地神、扮演杂剧、声乐、文物,称为“看会”。 山东省——庆云县农家在八月十五祭土谷神,称为“青苗社”。诸城、临沂和即墨等地除了祭月外,也得上坟祭祖。冠县、莱阳、广饶及邮城等地的地主也在中秋节宴请佃户。即墨中秋节吃一种应节食品叫“麦箭”。 山西省——潞安则在中秋节宴请女婿。大同县则把月饼称为团圆饼,在中秋夜有守夜之俗。 河北省——万全县称中秋为“小元旦”,月光纸上绘有太阴星君及关帝夜阅春秋像。河间县人认为中秋雨为苦雨,若中秋节下雨,当地人则认为青菜必定味道不佳。 陕西省——西乡县中秋夜男子泛舟登崖,女子安排佳宴。不论贫富,必食西瓜。中秋有吹鼓手沿门吹鼓,讨赏钱。洛川县中秋节家长率学生带礼物为先生拜节,午饭多于校内聚餐。 中秋夜烧塔在一些地方也很盛行。塔高1-3公尺不等,多用碎瓦片砌成,大的塔还要用砖块砌成,约占塔高的1/4,然后再用瓦片叠砌而成,顶端留一个塔口,供投放燃料用。中秋晚上便点火燃烧,燃料有木、竹、谷壳等,火旺时泼松香粉,引焰助威,极为壮观。民间还有赛烧塔规例,谁把瓦塔烧得全座红透则胜,不及的或在燃烧过程倒塌的则负,胜的由主持人发给彩旗、奖金或奖品。据传烧塔也是元朝末年,汉族人民反抗残暴统治者,于中秋起义时举火为号的由来。 “降神”是中秋夜一个有趣的活动,经过咒语和仪式可使所降的神显灵,包括桌神、月姑、八仙、篮神(是一个女神)等。 “听香”是古代流传台湾地区的中秋习俗,是由妇女在家中供奉的神像前焚香祷告,表明心中所想卜测的事(如感情、财富等),在请示了出门以后应行的方向后,就拈香出门,凡是在路上所听到的一切谈话、歌唱等,均可以就此卜测所问的事,然后以杯茭问神答案是否如此,如答不是,则继续前行,直到获得神明的指示的答案为止;未婚的少女也有在中秋夜偷别人菜园中的蔬菜或葱的习俗,若是成功就表示她将得到美好的爱情。
(Practices throughout the Mid-Autumn Festival
China's geopolitical vast number, a large population, different customs, the law of the Mid-Autumn Festival is also varied, with a strong local characteristics. Some localities have also formed a special Mid-Autumn many practices. In addition to the full moon, the festival, moon cakes, there are also reminded Hong Kong, Anhui heap of pagodas, trees Mid-Autumn Festival in Guangzhou, Jinjiang, the burning towers Aberdeen, look at the Suzhou Shihu string, the worship, Dai, Miao, the jump , The Dong Moon of stealing food, Gao Shanzu care of the ball dance, and so on. Fujian - Pucheng, a woman穿行Nanpu Bridge to the Mid-Autumn Festival, to longevity. In Jianning, Qiuye to link to the HEC for the Yuegongqiuzai bode well. Shanghang County over the Mid-Autumn Festival, more children in Baidoa, regardless of when. Longyan people eat moon cakes, parents will be dug up in central diameter of 2. Sancun the circular cake for their elders consumption, is the secret meaning of things can not let younger people know. This custom is derived from moon cakes in the possession of anti-yuan Shadi message legends. Mid-Autumn Festival on the island before the first worship worship God. Guangdong - the Chaoshan around the Mid-Autumn Festival on the worship practices, mainly women and children, "Yuan Yue male, not female Jizao" Su Yan. The evening, Haoyue rising, women will be in the yard, located on the balcony when the air prayer worship. High silver candle burning, cigarettes wind around, the table also fill a good fruit and Bingsi festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is also available in the local habit of eating taro, the Chaoshan a Su Yan: "mouth of the river, fresh to taro." In August, is the taro harvest season, farmers used to taro to worship their ancestors. This is, of course concerned with agriculture, but also a folk legend spread widely: in 1279, the Mongolian aristocrats out of the Southern Song Dynasty, established the Yuan Dynasty, the Han Chinese were brutal rule. Ma Jushou the Chaozhou-yuan, breaking the city, people were massacred. Hunni rule to not forget the pains of taro and later on admitted, "Hu head" homonym, and the shape of head, as a means of Festivals ancestors, history Legend has it, so far still exist. Mid-Autumn trees in Guangzhou - the Mid-Autumn Festival in Guangzhou kind of smart custom, called "tree Mid-Autumn Festival." During the Mid-Autumn Festival, individual use bamboo扎lights, lights the beginning of diversity, not fruit lights, but also birds, Yu Chong lights, the word can also be piled lights. By night, the lights on the internal combustion candle, the following link to many small lights, with the bamboo pole on the rope line. Then bamboo pole inserted in the housing height, such as platform, or a high tree on the roof. At night, the city lights, such as little stars, the moon and the sky Zhenghui, to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, also called "vertical Mid-Autumn Festival." Gangnam area of civil society who practices in the Mid-Autumn Festival is also varied. Nanjing Mid-Autumn Festival favorite cakes, will eat Jinling specializes osmanthus duck. "Osmanthus duck" Guizi fragrance in the city should be fat and not greasy, delicious appetizers. Fresh drink will be a small sugar taro, pouring slurry to Guangxi, the United States Budai statement. "Guangxi Pulp", named after Qu Yuan's "Songs of the South« less Siming, "" aid the North closed Xi Gui Pulp discretion. " Guangxi slurry, a sugar osmanthus, the Mid-Autumn Festival before and after harvesting, the use of sugar and salt from Suanmei. Jiangnan women Shouqiao, poems Yongwu, into a table cuisine. Nanjing full moon said the family "-happy," Mission sit-drink called "Yuan Yue," said market trips "take on." Nanjing - the beginning of Nanjing is expected on the floor, Wan Yue Bridge, built in the Qing Dynasty Under the Lion Rock, House, for people are the full moon, but to play on the bridge, for the most. Gaoxuan people in the moon, together with Deng Mochizuki floor, play on the bridge to see a total of Yutu to music. "Wanyue Bridge" in the Qinhuai Confucius Temple in Henan, Ma Xianglan House Qiaopang for Mingji, this night, Shizi gathered bridge Shengxiaotanchang, remembers cattle Houzhu Wan Yue, on Fushi, it said the bridge was Wanyue Bridge. After the crash, gradually fading, to future generations a poem: "Merry Nanqu cigarette sales have been, left in the west of Panchiao, but Yu Ren Yi bridge sit on the relative of the Chuixiao." Panchiao long, that is, the original Wanyue Bridge. In recent years, the Confucius Temple in Nanjing has been refurbished to restore the Ming and Qing Dynasties, some Tingge, dredging rivers, Daidao the Festival, will be here together with the Wan Yue to taste the good Fun. Jiangsu Province - Qiuye Wuxi County in the bucket to burn incense. Doo-paste around a silk yarn, painted a Yuegong in the scenery. Xiang also have to fight Xianxiang formation of the above into a Zhizha Kuixing and color flags. Shanghai Mid-Autumn Festival banquet osmanthus Mijiu to file fresh. Jiangxi Province - Ji'an county in the Mid-Autumn Festival evening, each village are composed of rice straw burning Waguan. Waguan to be hot, Add vinegar into account. At this time there will be flavor Piaoman village. County when the new Mid-Autumn Festival, since August 11 nights since the hoisting of grass-lights, until August 17. Anhui - Wuyuan Mid-Autumn Festival, children with a pile of hollow brick pagodas. Tower hung to Zhangman board, and other accessories, home Set in the tower, all kinds of furnishings King "tower of God," the apparatus. At night, both inside and outside the point Dengzhu. Jixi Mid-Autumn children for the Mid-Autumn Festival guns. Mid-Autumn Festival is gun-shaped straw Zhachengfabian, Jinshi later to take up the fight against stone, so that a loud noise and flames travelled customs. Zhacheng grass is reminded that the dragon, there was inserted-column. You have reminded percussion team counterparts, Youbian sent to the village after the river. Sichuan Province - in addition to the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes, we must also fight DCB, killing ducks, eat Ma Bing, honey cake, and so on. Some localities also points orange lights, Xuanyu the entrance to celebration. There are children in the Chaman-Citron, the streets dancing, called "Dance Shahab-ball." Jiading County land God festival Mid-Autumn Festival, a Drama, Music, Heritage, known as "look at will." Shandong Province - Qingyun Xian farmers on August 15 festival soil Ceres, known as "the Young community." Zhucheng, and Linyi Jimo, and other places in addition to festival, but also in the Shangfen place for ancestral worship. Guan County, Laiyang, Guangrao Post City and the landlord is also the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet Dianhu. Jimo Mid-Autumn Festival should eat a food festival called "Mr Arrow." Shanxi - Lu'an in the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet son-in-law. Datong County put cakes known as the reunion cake, Qiuye a vigil in the vulgar. Hebei Province - Mid-Autumn million for the county said that "small New Year's Day," Moonlight on paper and decorated with Taiyinxingjun Kuan Kung night read like the Spring and Autumn Annals. Hejian County that sea level had autumn rain in the Ku Yu, the Mid-Autumn Festival if it rains, people will think that green vegetables poor taste. Shaanxi Province - Qiuye man was boating in Xixiang Xian Tang Ya, good for women's feast. Rich or poor, must be fresh watermelon. Mid-Autumn Festival along with trumpet doors blown drums, seek Shangqian. Luochuan County, parents of students with the Mid-Autumn Festival gift for the President of worship, school lunch than dinner. Qiuye burned in the tower in some places are very popular. Ranging from 1-3 meters high tower, the use of Suiwa on vault, the tower would also like to use bricks piled about the high tower 1 / 4, and then use tiles stacked build from, to stay top of a Tower I, for the delivery of fuel used. Mid-Autumn Festival will be at ignition combustion, fuel is wood, bamboo, the hull, Huo-wang, pouring rosin powder, with cheering flame, very spectacular.赛still burning towers of civil regulations, who burned all the Wata HONGTOUSHAN then-Block, or less than the collapse of the combustion process is negative, to win by the host to the colorful flags, bonuses or prizes. Tajikistan is also said to burn the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the Han people against the brutal rulers in the Mid-Autumn Festival when the intifada, to cite the origin of the fire. "Reducing God" is an interesting Qiuye in the activities of the spell and the ceremony will drop by the manifestation of God, including the table of God, on Regardless, the Eight Immortals, the basket of God (a goddess). "Listen-" spread in Taiwan is the ancient custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival, is by women at home, where the statues before Fenxiang pray that the hearts of the BU would like to test things (such as feelings, wealth, etc.), go out in the instructions should be held after the direction of , On Nianxiang out, all the roads have heard all the talk, singing, etc., can be measured by BU this question, Zizania aquatica Cup and then asked God to answer whether this is so, if not the Answer, Jixuqianhang until access The answer to the instructions of the gods so far; unmarried girls who have stolen other people in the Qiuye in vegetable gardens or green onions customs, she said that if successful would be a beautiful love.)
