1.Aunt Mary is kind and gentle.She can't help ____ when she sees a sad film.A.cry B.laugh C.laughing D.crying2.Before they could set off for the mountains,new defficulties____.A.rises B.rose C.arose D.raised3.I have so much work to do that a holiday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 18:25:54

1.Aunt Mary is kind and gentle.She can't help ____ when she sees a sad film.A.cry B.laugh C.laughing D.crying2.Before they could set off for the mountains,new defficulties____.A.rises B.rose C.arose D.raised3.I have so much work to do that a holiday
1.Aunt Mary is kind and gentle.She can't help ____ when she sees a sad film.
A.cry B.laugh C.laughing D.crying
2.Before they could set off for the mountains,new defficulties____.
A.rises B.rose C.arose D.raised
3.I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is ____.
A.out of question B.out of a question C.out of questions
D.out of the question
4.The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things ____ to teach you the art of learning.
A.as B.but C.than D.rather than
5.John didn't want to risk ____wet as he had only one suit.
A.getting B.to get C.being got D.to be gotten

1.Aunt Mary is kind and gentle.She can't help ____ when she sees a sad film.A.cry B.laugh C.laughing D.crying2.Before they could set off for the mountains,new defficulties____.A.rises B.rose C.arose D.raised3.I have so much work to do that a holiday
1.Aunt Mary is kind and gentle.She can't help ____ when she sees a sad film.(D crying )
首先,help肯定不能解释为"帮助".这里应该解释为"避免,阻止,控制住"(并且需与can/can't/couldn't连用.)如:He can't help his rather loud voice.(他总是压不低他的大嗓门.)又如:He never does any more work than he can help.(=He does as little as possible.)(他总是尽量少干活.)[+v-ing]如:I can't help thinking that we've made a big mistake.(我不禁感到我们犯了个大错误.)
这里,Aunt Mary is kind and gentle.She can't help crying when she sees a sad film.(玛莉姨妈是如此柔善,当她看到伤心的电影时总要不禁落泪.)
2.Before they could set off for the mountains,new difficulties___.
(C arose)首先rise[I]"升高,上涨".如:The river is rising after the rain.(雨后河水不断地上涨.)"(太阳,月亮等)升起,上升"如:The sun rises in the east.所以,A和B均不合适.
再说D项raise[T]"提起,举起"如:He raised the lid of the box."抚养,养育"如:I've raised 5 children."提出...(想法、建议)[供参考]如:There is an important point I want to raise.(有一个重要的论点我要提出来.)
C项arose(arise)[I][(from,out of)]"出现,呈现"如:Some unexpected difficulties have arisen.(出现了一些意外的困难.)
3.I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is ____.(句子本身有没有问题?)关于这类词组只有两种结构:1.out of question(=No problem.)没问题.2.out of the question(=impossible)不可能.
4.The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things ____ to teach you the art of learning.(D rather than)这个很容易理解,A,B和C项都不合适(解释不通),rather than "不是...而是..."如:The parents should be blamed rather than the children.(更应受到责备的是父母而不是孩子们.)又如:It was what he meant rather than what he said that annoyed me.(让我生气的不是他的话,而是他话中的意思.)
5.John didn't want to risk ____wet as he had only one suit.(A getting)[T]"担...风险,冒...危险"[+v-ing/obj]如:By criticizing the boss he risked losing his job.(他冒着丢饭碗的危险去批评他的老板.)