谁有阿姆Just Don't Give A Fuck歌词翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 12:44:30

谁有阿姆Just Don't Give A Fuck歌词翻译
谁有阿姆Just Don't Give A Fuck歌词翻译

谁有阿姆Just Don't Give A Fuck歌词翻译
《I Don't Give A Fuck》 《我不在乎》 ---2pac I don't give a fuck 我不在乎 They done push me to the limit the more I live 他们把我推向了生活的边缘 I might blow up any minute,did it again 我重复着每一分钟都尽全力炸毁一切 Now I'm in the back of the paddy wagon 现在我坐在囚车的后面 While this cops bragging about the nigga he's jackin 当警察吹嘘关于这个被囚禁的黑鬼时 I see no justice 我看不见正义 All I see is niggas dying fast 我看见的只有很快将死去的黑鬼 The sound of a gun blast 一声枪响 Then watch the hurst past 然后看见穿过树林 Just another day in the life 'G' 只是匪帮生活的又一天 Gotta step lightly cuz cops tried to snippe me 警察悄悄走来尝试抓住我 The catch,they don't wanna stop at the brother man 这个圈套,他们不想在这个兄弟上停止 But then they'll have an accident and pick up another man 但除此之外他们将有一个机会抓住另一个男子 I went to the bank to cash my cheque 我去银行把我的支票兑现 I get more respect from the mutha-fuckin' dope man 我从*瘾君子身上的得到了更多的尊重 The Grammy's and the American music shows pimp us like hoes 格莱美奖和美国音乐大奖给我们拉皮条,找到喜欢的妓女 They got dough but they hate us though 尽管她们讨厌我们,但她们得到了钱 You better keep your mind on the real shit 你专注于改善真实的事情 And fuck trying to get with these crooked ass hypocrites 操这种和无耻的白痴伪君子在一起的难受 They way they see it,we was meant to be keep down 他们走他们考虑的路,我们打算永远低落 Just can't understand why we getting respect now 只是不知道为什么我们现在能得到尊重 Mama told me they're be days like this 妈妈告诉我他们白天就这样鬼混 But I'm pissed cause it stays like this 但是继续这样鬼混令我很愤怒 And now they trying to send me off to Kuwait 现在他们尝试把我打发到科威特 Gimme a break 贪得无厌的越狱 How much shit can a nigga take 究竟一个黑鬼能得到多少东西 I ain't goin' nowhere no how 无论怎样,我哪儿也去不 What you wanna throw down 你们想要扔下什么 Better bring your guns pal 靠带上你的枪伙计来改善生活 Cuz this is the day we make 'em pay 因为这是我们用来报复敌人的一天 Fuck bailin' hate I bail and spray with my A-K 该死的政府讨厌我,我从天而降,用我的AK步枪扫射 And even if they shoot me down 即使他们用枪击倒我 There'll be another nigga bigger 那里将会有另一个更强大的黑鬼出现 from the mutha-fuckin' underground 来自*地下组织 So step but you better step quick 这么走但你最好走快点 Cause the clocks goin' tick and I'm sick of the bullshit 因为时钟在滴滴答答地走,我讨厌那些胡扯的人