来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 12:42:36
SM Single Mode
SM Styrene Monomer
**** SM Synchronous Motor
**** SM Shigeru Miyamoto (video game producer)
**** SM Swollen Members (band)
**** SM Shawn Marion (NBA Player)
**** SM Structure Model
**** SM Silver Medallion (Delta Sky Miles)
**** SM Super Mall (Philippines)
**** SM Surgical Margin
**** SM Selling Manager (Ebay selling tool)
**** SM Small Manufacturing
**** SM Satellite Modem
**** SM Simple Multicast (computer networking)
**** SM Sclerosis Multiplex (Latin:Multiple Sclerosis)
**** SM Samarai
**** SM Song Meanings
**** SM Samsung Motors
**** SM Security Manual
**** SM Secretaría de Marina (Spanish:Secretariat of the Navy,Mexico)
**** SM Spiritual Master (religion)
**** SM Synthetic Media (cell plating)
**** SM Seamless Mobility
**** SM Student Manager
**** SM Single Manager
**** SM Scanning Mode
**** SM Soo Man (record company)
**** SM Supply Manual
**** SM Scattering Matrix
**** SM Sciences de La Matière (French:Science of Matter)
**** SM Study Manager
**** SM Smart Munitions
**** SM Single-Family and Multi-Family (zoning)
**** SM Shanghai Municipality
**** SM Spectromètre de Masse (French:Mass Spectrometer)
**** SM Shipping Manifest
*** SM Seung Mina
*** SM Strong Mad ( character)
*** SM Slam Magazine
*** SM Supervisor Manual
*** SM Separation Module
*** SM Silhouette Mirage (video game)
*** SM Standby Monitor
*** SM Script Mode
*** SM Seine Majestät (German:His Majesty)
*** SM Subscriber Manager (Cisco)
*** SM Scarlet Monastary (World of Warcraft game)
*** SM Shading Model (change detector)
*** SM Skyscraper Museum
*** SM Sensitivity Measure
*** SM Synchronous Multiplexer (Alcatel)
*** SM Societas Mariae (Society of Mary,Marianists,religious order)
*** SM Sarao Motors (manufacturer of passenger Jeepneys in the Philippines)
*** SM SONET Multiplexer (Alcatel)
*** SM Scatterable Mine
*** SM Short Meter (hymnology)
*** SM Support Magistrate (courts)
*** SM Smagorinsky model
*** SM Secretary's Memorandum (US DoD Joint Staff)
** SM Sequence Monitor
** SM Shrine Mont (Orkney Springs,VA)
** SM Slave Motor
** SM Surge Margin (compressor aerodynamics)
** SM Sub-Memory
** SM Step-Mom/Mother
** SM Swine Mycoplasmosis (swine enzootic pneumonia)
** SM Safeguards Measurements
** SM Suger Montano (Guatemala Central America,school)
** SM Syndicat de La Mesure (French:Union of Measure)
** SM Shoals Music (music industry magazine)
** SM Systèmes Microbiens (French:Microbial Systems)
** SM Directorate for Systems Management
** SM Siemens Metering AG
** SM Suomen Mestari/Mestaruus (Finnish Champion/Championship)
** SM Step/Stepping Motor
** SM Sponge Minion (Harry Potter)
* SM (USN Rating) Signalman
* SM Serial Magnitude
* SM Sperm Measurement
* SM Steele Matrix
* SM Silly Muffins (viral video service)
* SM Simple Mastectomy (surgical procedure)
* SM Sphingomyelin (protein)
* SM Spider Man
* SM Spiderman
* SM Spinal Meningitis
* SM Spectrum Management
* SM Space Mapping
* SM Space Marine (Warhammer 40k)
* SM Space Mirror
* SM Space Mountain (Disney park)
* SM Spatial Multiplexing
* SM Special Mention (variant of OAEM and OLEM)
* SM Special Message
* SM Special Missions
* SM Special Monthly
* SM Specification Manual
* SM Society of Mary (Marists,religious order)
* SM Soft Money
* SM Software Manager (KPA of CMM commonly used by SEI)
* SM Soil Moisture (agronomy)
* SM Solar Mass (astronomy)
* SM Solder Mask (semiconductor process)
* SM Soldier's Manual
* SM Soldier's Medal
* SM Soul Man (song)
* SM Soul Master (gaming)
* SM Soul Mate
* SM Snooker Master (USDAA dog agility title)
* SM Social Mobility (sociology)
* SM Splash Mountain
* SM Stick Man
* SM Stipendiary Magistrate (Australia and New Zealand)
* SM Stock Market
* SM Stanley Morgan (brokerage firm)
* SM Star Museum (Entertainment; South Korean entertainment company)
* SM Stardust Memory (Gundam)
在中国,sm有一个更为温情的称呼:虐恋。虐恋一词英文为Sadomasochism,是施虐倾向(Sadism)和受虐倾向(Masochism)二者的合成词。它的简写即我们通常所说的SM。虐恋现象最早发现于17世纪末,首先出现在文学活动和一些商业性虐待服务中。最早的虐恋文学当然首推法国作家萨德(Sade)和奥地利作家马索克(Masoch)的作品,Sadomasochism一词即是由心理学家艾宾(Richard von Krafft-Ebing)通过他们的名字创造出来的。
在当时,尤其可追溯至整个维多利亚时代的英国,其地下色情文学的一个主要潮流就是虐恋。最明显的是当时的英国人民对鞭笞的强烈爱好。以至如今欧洲大陆上仍把鞭笞行为称为英国恶习(English Vice)。
回到由贵,众所周知,由贵十分迷恋英国文化,其代表作之一《毒伯爵该隐》的故事背景就是十九世纪末期的伦敦。再加上作者本身的创作灵魂从始至终都是一种违反常态,向世俗挑战的思想,我们称之为Twisted Mind,笑,所以她的作品总是存在、或是隐喻着一些或多或少的社会性的虐恋现象。
“虐恋,sadomasochism(简称SM),统指与施虐、受虐相关的意识与行为。”不过,我更喜欢的关于SM的定义是SEX MAGIC(性魔术),多让人着迷的解释呀。专家将虐恋定义为:“它是一种将快感与痛感联系在一起的性活动,或者说是一种通过痛感获得快感的性活动.所谓痛感有两个内涵,其一是肉体痛苦(如鞭打导致的快感);其二是精神的痛苦(如统治与服从关系中的羞辱所导致的痛苦感觉)。”
SM是人的一种自愿的选择, 是人对快乐的追求。SM爱好者并没有一种天生的欲望叫作“虐恋”;他也没有一种与生俱来、不可更改的身份叫作“虐恋者”;他只不过是选择了对虐恋这种快乐方式的消费和享受;他是一位消费者,一位享用者