either neither区别either:两者中的随便一个(都不可),用于肯定句neither:两者中的随便一个(都不可以),用于否定句以上对的吗?举些例子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 11:06:26

either neither区别either:两者中的随便一个(都不可),用于肯定句neither:两者中的随便一个(都不可以),用于否定句以上对的吗?举些例子
either neither区别

either neither区别either:两者中的随便一个(都不可),用于肯定句neither:两者中的随便一个(都不可以),用于否定句以上对的吗?举些例子
either 两者中的任一个 或者 . 还有就是too的否定形式 也不
either you or he must come tomorrow 或者你 或者他 明天必须来
i cant swim ,either 我也不会游泳
neither 是 两个都不 是both 的否定形式
neither of us come tomorrow 明天我两都不来


either you or i will be happy。
i hate him,either。
neither you nor i am a girl。

/ ˈaɪðə(r), ˈiːðə(r); ˋiðɚ/ indef det, indef pron one or the other of two (两者中的)一个. (a) (det): You can park on either side of the street....


/ ˈaɪðə(r), ˈiːðə(r); ˋiðɚ/ indef det, indef pron one or the other of two (两者中的)一个. (a) (det): You can park on either side of the street. 在街道的哪边停车都可以. * Keep either one of the forms. 两张表格保留哪张都行. * There's a staircase at either end (ie both ends) of the corridor. 走廊两端都有楼梯. (b) (pron) (used with a sing v 与单数动词连用): I've bought two cakes you can have either. 我买了两块蛋糕--你要哪块都行. * Take one of the books on the table either of them will do. 从桌上拿一本书--两本中哪本都可以.
> either indef adv
(used after two negative vs 用於两个否定式之後): I don't like the red shirt and I don't like the green one either, ie I dislike both the red shirt and the green one. 我不喜欢这件红衬衫, 也不喜欢这件绿衬衫. * Mary won't go and Peter won't go either. 玛丽不去, 彼得也不去. (Cf 参看...and neither will Peter. ) * He can't hear and he can hardly speak either. 他既听不见也几乎不能说话. =>Usage at also用法见also.
(used to emphasize a negative phrase 用於强调含否定意义的短语): I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either. 我知道一家很好的意大利餐馆, 离这儿并不远.
either...or... (used to show a choice of two alternatives 用於表示在两个可能性中任择其一): either French or Spanish 或法国的或西班牙的 * I left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌子上了, 就是放在抽屉里了. * You can either write or phone to request a copy. 既可以写信也可以打电话索取一本.
/ ˈnaɪðə(r), ˈniːðə(r); ˋniðɚ/ indef det, indef pron not one nor the other of two (二者)都不. (a) (det):Neither boy is to blame. 两个男孩子都不应责怪. * Neither answer is correct. 两个答案都不对. * I saw neither Mr nor Mrs Smith at church. 我在教堂里既没看见史密斯先生也没看见他太太. * Neither one of us could understand German. 我们俩没一个懂德语的. * In neither case was a decision reached. 对这两种情况都未做出决定. (b) (pron): I chose neither of them. 这两个我都不要. * `Which is your car?' `Neither, mine's being repaired.' ‘哪辆汽车是你的?’‘这两辆都不是, 我的正在修理.’
> neither adv
not either 也不 (used before a modal v or aux v placed in front of its subject 用於主语前面的情态动词或助动词之前): He doesn't like Beethoven and neither do I. 他不喜欢贝多芬的作品, 我也不喜欢. * I haven't been to New York before and neither has my sister. 我以前没去过纽约, 我妹妹也没去过. * `Did you see it?' `No.' `Neither did I.' ‘你看见那个了吗?’‘没看见.’‘我也没看见.’
neither...nor not...and not 既不...也不: He neither knows nor cares what happened. 他对发生的事情不闻不问. * The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable. 这旅馆既不宽敞也不舒服.


either的意思是或者。。。或者。。。 两者之间选择一个
either还可有 也的意思 放在否定句当中

you can eat either apple or pear 你可以吃苹果或者吃梨
you can eat neither apple nor pear.你既不能吃苹果也不能吃梨
