英语听力短对话疑问13.M:I hear John left his cat in your care while he’s on vocation abroad.How are you getting along with it?W:Well,it never comes when I call it.It spills its food and sheds all over the place.I can't wait till John gets b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 11:29:47

英语听力短对话疑问13.M:I hear John left his cat in your care while he’s on vocation abroad.How are you getting along with it?W:Well,it never comes when I call it.It spills its food and sheds all over the place.I can't wait till John gets b
13.M:I hear John left his cat in your care while he’s on vocation abroad.How are you getting along with it?
W:Well,it never comes when I call it.It spills its food and sheds all over the place.I can't wait till John gets back.
Q:How does the woman find the cat?
13.A)A financial burden.B)A good companion C) A real nuisance.D)A well-trained pet.
这句话是一语双关,根据语境来理解意思呢 还是 就这一个意思呢?

英语听力短对话疑问13.M:I hear John left his cat in your care while he’s on vocation abroad.How are you getting along with it?W:Well,it never comes when I call it.It spills its food and sheds all over the place.I can't wait till John gets b
问题一:如果是理解为“找到”的话,应用一般过去时.How did the woman find the cat?那位妇女是怎样找到猫的?用了一般现在时,则表示“感觉;感受”了.
问题二:不一定都是一般现在时,要视其问的情况而定.如,问题一 回答中所举的例子一样.

M:I hear John left his cat in your care while he’s on vocation abroad. How are you getting along with it?
W:Well, it never comes when I call it. It spill...


M:I hear John left his cat in your care while he’s on vocation abroad. How are you getting along with it?
W:Well, it never comes when I call it. It spills its food and sheds all over the place. I can't wait till John gets back-

Q:How does the woman find the cat?

13.A)A financial burden. B)A good companion C) A real nuisance. D)A well-trained pet.
13 A 经济上有负担; B 一个很好的伙伴;C 一个真正讨厌人的东西; D 一个训练有素的宠物。

显然根据上下文应该选择C : 一个真正讨厌人的东西。

难点:其实这也不是难点,关键是理解单词“find”的意思是什么?find是多义词,基本意思有两个:发现,感觉,这儿不妨学习者都分别带进去理解一下到底该是那种意思, 但是,单词的意思与语言本身或尤其是上下文的逻辑关系非常的密切,所以,假如您把这儿的find理解成“发现”的意思时,那么,How does the woman find the cat? --的意思就是:那个女人是如何发现或找到那个猫的,然而上下文谈到的完全与发现和寻找猫没有一点关系【看我的对话译文】,因此,这儿的find的词义不是“发现“或“找的”意思,”, 认识感觉的意思。即::How does the woman find the cat?
问题:那个女人感到那只猫怎么样? 这样的词义与原文的语境才有意义,于是答案也就显然是: C) A real nuisance:一个真正讨厌人的东西 ,放到原文处就是:the woman finds the cat a real nuisance 。意思是:那个女人感到那只猫是非常讨厌人的(东西)。实际上,我感到这是中国人写的英语,因为按照标准答案,这儿的疑问代词应该用what 啊,看:How does the woman find the cat?意思是:那个女人是如何找到猫的?只能这样理解啊,假如是:那个女人感到那个猫是xxx?我们对xxx提问,完全不可以用how提问,因为这种疑问词用在这个场合不符合正常的逻辑,这时最好写成: what does the woman find the cat? 意思是:那个女人感到那只猫是什么东西?这样后面的答案【A)A financial burden. B)A good companion C) A real nuisance. D)A well-trained pet.
13 A 经济上有负担; B 一个很好的伙伴;C 一个真正讨厌人的东西; D 一个训练有素的宠物。
】才有意义啊。因为how 是一个副词,回答时不可能用一个名词就可以完美无缺的能够说清楚的。
