请问my heart will go on 的原唱除了是席琳迪翁我还记得还有一个女的也唱过声音稍显纤细的请问是哪位歌手啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 23:20:21

请问my heart will go on 的原唱除了是席琳迪翁我还记得还有一个女的也唱过声音稍显纤细的请问是哪位歌手啊?
请问my heart will go on 的原唱除了是席琳迪翁我还记得还有一个女的也唱过声音稍显纤细的请问是哪位歌手啊?

请问my heart will go on 的原唱除了是席琳迪翁我还记得还有一个女的也唱过声音稍显纤细的请问是哪位歌手啊?
My heart will go on
  原唱:Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁)
  Every night in my dreams
  I see you, I feel you,
  That is how I know you go on
  Far across the distance
  And spaces between us
  You have come to show you go on
  Near, far, wherever you are
  I believe that the heart does go on
  Once more you open the door
  And youre here in my heart
  And my heart will go on and on
  Love can touch us one time
  And last for a lifetime
  And never let go till were gone
  Love was when I loved you
  One true time I hold to
  In my life well always go on
  Near, far, wherever you are
  I believe that the heart does go on
  Once more you open the door
  And youre here in my heart
  And my heart will go on and on
  Youre here, theres nothing I fear,
  And I know that my heart will go on
  Well stay forever this way
  You are safe in my heart
  And my heart will go on and on
  法文名:Céline Marie Claudette Dion(略作Céline Dion)
  英文名:Celine Dion
  出生地:加拿大 魁北克省
  身高: 1.71米 (5英尺7.5英寸)
  母亲 :Therese
  父亲 :Adhemar
  兄弟姐妹: ( Michel, Daniel,Jacques, Paul, Denise, Liette, Louise, Pauline,Ghislaine, Linda, Manon, Clement
  喜欢的香水: 香奈尔5号
  喜欢 :烹饪;伯爵红茶 ;高尔夫球;法式面包;花生);购物;玩具青蛙(自从一次一歌迷送了她一个后,她就开始收集,并且每次演唱会她都要带在身边作为吉祥物)
  不喜欢 :谈论政治问题.
  最喜欢的男歌手: Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson
  最喜欢的女歌手:Natalie Cole,Barbra Streisand and Ginette Reno
  精通的乐器: 钢琴
  席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)1968年3月30日生于加拿大魁北克,是一位著名的法语和英语女流行歌手,有流行天后之称.作为全球最畅销的女歌手之一,席琳·狄翁在全球的专辑销量已经超过了2亿张.
  她的母亲在她自己40岁时开了一家小型俱乐部,一到周末,他们全家在那里聚会并演唱民间歌谣.她从12岁起步入歌坛,15岁时推出了她首支法文单曲.首度以英语专辑“UNISON”登陆全球市场,其中单曲“WHERE DOES MY HEART BEAT NOW”一举荣获全美排行第四名.
  她是一位获得过葛莱美奖、朱诺奖、奥斯卡奖的流行歌手,并偶尔参与作品的创作.在她的经纪人以及后来的丈夫René Angélil抵押了自己的房产来为Celine的职业生涯努力后,Celine成为了加拿大法语地区的一名少女明星.她赢得了在1982年日本举行的Yamaha世界歌曲节的比赛以及1988年的欧洲歌曲大赛,这使得她在部分亚洲地区和欧洲地区赢得了相当的知名度.她随后在1990年由Sony公司发行的第一张英文专辑《Unison》也使得她在使用英语的国度的音乐市场里获得了一席之地.
  Celine的音乐受到了多种音乐风格的影响,包括流行、摇滚、福音、古典等等.同样,她也因为她卓越的声音技巧而为人侧目.在她1999年宣布暂时退出娱乐圈之前,她推出了许多英语和法语的冠军歌曲,包括“I’m Your Angel”“My Heart Will Go On”等等作品.2002年Celine Dion带着全新专辑“A New Day Has Come”重新回到了音乐圈当中.2004年她赢得了世界音乐奖的钻石奖,表彰她成为“the best-selling female artist of all time”(全球最畅销的女艺人).07年底,Celine结束在美国赌城拉斯韦加斯的凯撒宫演唱秀“A New Day…Live In Las Vegas”,并发行英文专辑《Taking Chances》,随即引起全球热销.
  Celine is
  The Best Selling Artist in Switzerland
  The Best Selling Artist in Quebéc
  The 2nd Best Selling Artist in Canada (The Beatles are #1)
  The 2nd Best Selling Female Artist in UK (Madonna are #1)
  The Best Selling Female Artist in Canada
  The Best Selling Female Artist in France
  The Best Selling Female Artist in Belgium
  The Best Selling Foreign Female Artist in the USA
  The 4th Best Selling Artist in the USA during Soundscan Era (since 1991)
  The 2nd Best Selling Female Artist in the USA during Soundscan Era (since 1991)
  one of the Best Selling Artists in Europe In Europe, only two female artists sold more than 50 million albums - Celine Dion and Madonna
  Let's Talk About Love is the best selling album by a female artist in Europe
  D'eux is the best selling album in France
  Falling Into You is one of only two albums to remain in the Top 10 of the Billboard 200 (USA) for one consecutive year.
  It spent 59 consecutive weeks in the Top 10. (The other album that remained in the Top 10 for one consecutive year
  was Thriller by Michael Jackson)