
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 16:35:50


My dream is to live in a world without wars, natural disasters, or diseases. In such a world, people don't have to bustle or worry about getting a living. There is no one sick; there is no earthquake, neither is there war that we always hate. All people in this world are friends with each other.
In another word, my dream is to live in Shangri La.
(Shangri La香格里拉,在西方人眼中就是人间天堂,世外桃源)

I dream of living in a world without war, disaster,and disease.
In this world, people don't need to be busy or vexed for life.
Without patient, earthquake, and the war we always abhor, people...


I dream of living in a world without war, disaster,and disease.
In this world, people don't need to be busy or vexed for life.
Without patient, earthquake, and the war we always abhor, people all in this world are friends.
In other words, my dream is to live in Shangri-la.[1]
[1]:Shangri-la: a peaceful, happy and beautiful place isolated from the world and suffering no disaster or war,depicted by Tao Qian of the Jin Dynasty (265-420) in The Story of the Peach Blossom Valley.


My dream is to live in a world which does not have the war, does not have the disaster, does not have in disease.In such world, the people may not need to live busy, worried for life. Without the pati...


My dream is to live in a world which does not have the war, does not have the disaster, does not have in disease.In such world, the people may not need to live busy, worried for life. Without the patient, does not have the earthquake, we always loathed the war,All the people in the world are friends!
In other words, my dream is the life in the haven. (life in such world has always been my dream)


My dream is to live in a world without wars, natural disasters, or diseases. In such a world, peopl...


My dream is to live in a world without wars, natural disasters, or diseases. In such a world, people don't have to bustle or worry about getting a living. There is no one sick; there is no earthquake, neither is there war that we always hate. All people in this world are friends with each other.
In another word, my dream is to live in Shangri La.
(Shangri La香格里拉,在西方人眼中就是人间天堂,世外桃源)
I dream of living in a world without war, disaster,and disease.
In this world, people don't need to be busy or vexed for life.
Without patient, earthquake, and the war we always abhor, people all in this world are friends.
In other words, my dream is to live in Shangri-la.[1]
[1]:Shangri-la: a peaceful, happy and beautiful place isolated from the world and suffering no disaster or war,depicted by Tao Qian of the Jin Dynasty (265-420) in The Story of the Peach Blossom Valley.
My dream is to live in a world which does not have the war, does not have the disaster, does not have in disease.In such world, the people may not need to live busy, worried for life. Without the patient, does not have the earthquake, we always loathed the war,All the people in the world are friends!
In other words, my dream is the life in the haven. (life in such world has always been my dream)


英语翻译我的梦想是生活在一个没有战争,没有天灾,没有疾病的世界里.在这样的世界里,人们可以不用为了生活而忙碌,不用为了生活而烦恼.没有病人,没有地震,没有我们一直都厌恶的战争,一 写一节关于梦想的诗歌.例如:我有一个梦想 那一天世界不再动荡 没有战争、贫困和饥荒 幸福的生活充满阳光 和平的鲜花到处开放 (按这个格式写) 诗歌 我有一个梦想我有一个梦想,那一天世界不在动荡,没有战争、贫困和饥荒,幸福的生活充满阳光,和平的鲜花到处开放.我有一个梦想,那一天人类不再忧伤,没有恐惧、歧视和眼泪,欢乐的歌 英语翻译我所理想的社会,首先得是一个没有战乱、和平的社会.人们经受不起战争,战争可以是人们家破人亡,所以一个理想的社会,和平是首要条件.其次,要人人平等,人与人之间没有压迫、没 一个没有梦想的人,他的生命没有意义?不相信现实,生活没有眼泪,所以我不流泪^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 英语翻译我个人就非常喜欢韩国,喜欢那里的文化,喜欢那有很风格的住宅,24岁以后在韩国生活是我的梦想,梦想着很丰富的生活,所以很希望有机会到韩国 英语翻译在我看来,如果一个人没有梦想,那么他是可悲的,没有梦想就意味着没有了目标,没有了对未来的憧憬和对成功的渴望我和大多数人一样,都有着一个自己的梦想,那就是成为一名优秀的 人生是一个没有硝烟的战争, 英语翻译我的梦想是实现你的梦想 英语翻译是“在近期的战争中”,还是“战争后期”? 地球现在有没有人类还没有发现的地方?我的梦想就是想找一个没有人认识我的地方去,重新开始新的生活,对现在的社会已经绝望到底线了. 拜托 英语翻译我的梦想是能够靠自己建立一个家庭,这个家庭不需要太富有,但是家庭成员都能爱着彼此,并且这样幸福而健康地生活. 英语翻译老师您好,我叫何杭,我来自重庆.生活中我是一个活波开朗的男孩,因为我学过表演也练过体育.但是我最爱的是航空,这是我的梦想.我知道空乘服务没有表面上的光鲜亮丽,但是我相信, 翻译:他的梦想是能生活在一个温暖的阳光灿烂的地方. 英语翻译十年后,我猜你肯定是一位为了梦想而奋斗的青年,没有实现梦想就不罢休的青年,为了实现梦想,在渺小的岗位上策划着伟大的梦想,每天储存着微小的资本,来巩固梦想的基础,用着汗水 我有一个梦想英语翻译 英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想,我是一样的.但是,我的梦想是不是律师,不是医生,不是演员,甚至一个产业!我的梦想可能是一个大的人会觉得可笑,但我一直在追求!我的梦想是希望有一个多姿 英语翻译我的人生,将会在这里得到转变,我的生活,将会在这里发生变化我的梦想,即将在这里起程英语翻译,