she rushed down the stairs
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:27:52
she rushed down the stairs
she rushed down the stairs
she rushed down the stairs
she rushed down the stairs
She rushed into the kitchen _______(save) the poor man.
Down the side of the mountain rushed a water fall.这是什么特殊句式?
When she heard the doorbell (ring),she rushed to the door适当形式
where did susan go when she ()of the room?she ()the hospital because her mother was ill.1、rushed out×22、rushed out;hurried to3、hurried to×24、hurried to;rushed out
She is __(eat)when suddenly a man rushed into the restaurant.
she lives down the road from me
She sat down before the TV.中文翻译
()the word,she rushed()the rain and disappeared()the distance括号里分别填什么单词
hearing the news ,she rushed out,leaving thehearing the news ,she rushed out,[ leaving ]the book [lying open] on the table and disappeared into the distance.]里的.前者为什么不是left.
Please translate the English into Chinese.Thanks!I rushed to the hospital immediately I heard that Liu Ying,which was my bestfriend,had got pneumonia.Liu Ying was lying on her bed weakly.When she breathed,her chest heaved up and down heavily,which ev
Please translate the English into Chinese.I rushed to the hospital immediately I heard that Liu Ying,which was my bestfriend,had got pneumonia.Liu Ying was lying on her bed weakly.When she breathed,her chest heaved up and down heavily,which even made
mrs borwn rushed out of the room. And she didn't take her bag合并为一句
she likes walking down the street in the s____ shoes
But she did mot go down the hole,she fell.She fell down,down ,down.请帮我翻译这句话
Jerry rushed home (immediately)he heard the news ,only to find his house had been burnt down.immediately不是副词吗,也可以当连接词?
all of us were surprised at the bad news.怎么看出来是主席表结构了down he rushed ,with a big sword in his hand.倒装?
She rushed home (immediately) she heard the news,only (to find) that her son was lost.后面那个括号里的怎么理解,是表示目的还是什么?