马上就要上高中了,我的英语不好,暑假期间自己在家里复习初中英语时遇到了许多问题在此提出来.1ought to 与had better的用法,反义疑问句,以及其他一些句法功能.2,finish做不及物动词时候的用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 06:59:19

马上就要上高中了,我的英语不好,暑假期间自己在家里复习初中英语时遇到了许多问题在此提出来.1ought to 与had better的用法,反义疑问句,以及其他一些句法功能.2,finish做不及物动词时候的用法
ought to 与had better的用法,反义疑问句,以及其他一些句法功能.
4 ti is impossible for us to finish the work in an hour 这句话的主语是谁?
6my book is on the desk 与my book qn the desk 这两句话哪句话是对的?
8宾语从句常用的引导词用法,以及宾语从句的注意点(如 时态方面的)

马上就要上高中了,我的英语不好,暑假期间自己在家里复习初中英语时遇到了许多问题在此提出来.1ought to 与had better的用法,反义疑问句,以及其他一些句法功能.2,finish做不及物动词时候的用法
①ought to的用法
1. ought to表示义务或责任.意为“应该”.如:
We ought to leave at once. 我们应该马上离开.
Such things ought not to be allowed. 这类事不该容许.
2. ought to表示建议或劝告.意为“应该”.如:
You ought to see the new film. 你应该看看这部新电影.
We oughtn’t to take risks. 我们不宜于冒险.
He said I ought to write an article about it. 他说我应当写一篇文章谈这事.
3. ought to表示推断.意为“应该”、“可能”.如:
That ought to be enough food for all of us. 那些该够我们大家吃的了.
Ask John. He ought to know. 问问约翰吧,他该知道.
I ought to be fit for work next month. 下个月我想必可以工作了.
【注】用ought to 表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常指的是一种合乎逻辑的可能性(与should表推断时相似),有时可译为“准是”(但语气比must要弱).如:
That ought to [should] be Janet coming upstairs now. 正在上楼的准是珍妮特.
4. ought to后接动词所用形式.根据不同情况ought to后可接不同的动词形式.如:
(1) 接动词原形,用于谈论现在或将来的情况.(见上例)
(2) 接进行式,用于谈论正在进行的事.如:
You oughtn’t to be talking so much,Annie. 你不宜讲这么多话,安妮.
It isn’t what I ought to be doing. 这不是我现在应该做的事.
I ought to be going. 我该走了.
We ought to be hearing from him soon. 我们不久应当会接到他的信.
(3) 接完成式,用于过去的情况,可指过去已经发生的情况,也可接本该发生而实际上未发生的情况.如:
They ought to have arrived by now. 他们现在应该已经到了.
I ought to have helped her,but I never could. 我本该帮助她的,却从未能这样做.
I don’t think you ought to have done that. 我想你不应该这样做的.
5. 使用ought to注意点
(1) 在否定式中用ought not 或oughtn’t,在疑问中将ought提到主语之前.如:
He ought to go now, oughtn’t he? 他现在该走了,是吗?
(2) 在美国英语中,ought to用于否定句和疑问句时可将to省略(但在肯定句中to不宜省).另外,在省略句中也可以省去to.如:
Ought we (to) have done it? 我们本该做此事吗?
"Ought I to go?" "Yes, you ought (to)." “我该去吗?”“对,你该去.”
②had better的用法归纳
1. had better的基本用法特点
其意为“最好”、“应该”,后接动词原形,与情态动词should用法相似,其中的had通常缩略为 ‘d.如:
You’d better get some sleep.你最好去睡一会儿.
We had better go before it rains. 我们最好在下雨前就去.
2. had better如何构成否定式和疑问式
构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前.如:
I’d better not disturb him.我最好别去打扰他.
What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办?
Hadn’t we better go now? 我们是不是现在就去呢?
3. had better后接进行式和完成式动词
I think I’d better be going.我想我最好还是马上走.
You’d better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好马上把衣服准备好.
You had better have done that. 你最好把那事做完.
You had better have stayed here. 你本来应该呆在这儿的.
4. 有关had better的几点用法说明
(1) had better 用于提出建议或请求时,并不是一个很客气委婉的表达,它暗示对方有义务去做某事,因此通常用于长辈对晚辈或上级对下级等,而不宜反过来用.
(2) had best与had better 用法和含义均差不多,但不如had better普通.如:
You had best get home before midnight.你最好在午夜之前回到家里.
We had best be going.我们最好现在就走.
(3) 有时可省略其中的had.如:
You better stop arguing.你们最好不要争论了.
Better not wait for him. 最好不要等他了.
Better say yes, if they ask you. 如果他们问你,你最好说“是”.
(4) 有时为了强调,可将better置于had之前.如:
"I promise I’ll pay you back." "You better had." “我保证还给你.”“你最好还给我.”
③finish vt.
1. 结束;完成[+v-ing]
When does he finish his college course?
I haven't finished reading the book yet.
2. 对...最后加工,润饰[(+off)]
We'll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow.
3. 用完;吃完[(+off/up)]
The boys finished up everything on the table.
Let's finish off the wine.
Mr. Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.
4. 【口】耗尽;毁掉;消灭;击败[(+off)]
The climb nearly finished me off.
1. 结束,终止;完成工作
What time does the performance finish?
2. (在竞赛中)获得名次[Q]
He finished third in the race.
1. 结束;(比赛等的)最后阶段;终结[C]
The soldiers fought to the finish.
2. (家具等)抛光,末道漆[S]
The finish on the table was scratched by a knife.
3. (举止、讲话等)优雅,修养
His manner lacks finish.
④介词 With常见用法小结
1. 具有;带有 having;carrying
* Soon he came to a river with a wooden bridge over it.
* China is a country with a long history.
*The girl with long hair is my sister.那个留长发的姑娘是我妹妹
注意:with ,about ,和in均可表示特征和属性.
*His uncle is an old man with a red nose.它的叔叔是位红鼻子老人.
*There is a certain charm about that man.那个人有某种魅力.
*There is something strange in him.他身上有点奇怪的地方.
2. 用;使用(工具、手段等) word that shows what you are using
* He was writing with a pencil. 他在用铅笔写字.
*The streets are paved with stone. 街道铺了石子.
*He was killed with a knife =Someone killed him with a knife.
*He was killed by a falling rock.=A falling rock killed him.
*The tops of the mountains are covered with snow. 山顶上覆盖着白雪.
注意:1. “With+东西”表示行为的主体通常是人把该物体当作工具来使用
“by+东西” 表示并非 “人”而是该“东西”才是行为的主体
*He was killed with a knife =Someone killed him with a knife.
*He was killed by a falling rock.=A falling rock killed him.
*May I write with a pencil?我可以用铅笔写吗?
*He gave his card,with a few words in pencil.他把它的名便给我,上面有几个铅笔字.
*It must be written with pen and blue ink.这必须用铅笔和蓝墨水书写.
3. 与…一道;跟…一起 word that shows things or people are together
* Harriet is playing with her friend. 哈丽特跟她的朋友在一起玩.
*I shall go there with my students. 我将和同学们一起去那里.
* I'm going to finish the job with my friends. 我要和朋友们一起把活干完.
4. 在…一边;与…一致;拥护 on the same side;agreeing
*I agree with you. 我同意你的意见.
*Are you with us or against us? 你是拥护我们还是反对我们?
5. …对…;与…对垒 against
* She was angry with me. 她生我的气.
*Don't fight with your brother. 别和你弟弟打架.
6. 由于;因为 because of (这种语义的with多半与表示情绪的词连用
*She was red with anger .她愤怒的张红了脸
*The baby was crying with hunger. 婴儿在哭,因为他饿了.
*She was dying with hunger. 她饿得要命.
*Don't become dizzy with success. 别因为胜利而冲昏了头脑.
7. (表示行为、方式)以…;带着 word that shows how something happens,how you
do something,etc.
* He spoke with anger. 他生气地说.
* We run our school with advanced thought. 我们用先进的思想管理学校.
*He came with a new dictionary. 他是带着一本新词典来的.
8. 随着 in the same way as;at the same time as
*A tree's shadow moves with the sun. 树荫随太阳而移动.
*A man grows wiser with age. 随着年令的增长,人变得更聪明.
* The shadow moves with the sun. 影子随着太阳而动.
一个副词.如 :
* with care =carefully *with surprise=surprisedely
*with difficulty=difficultly *with warmth=warmly
*with curiosity=curiously * with pride=proudly
10.虽然,尽管in spite of…
*With all his faults she still loves him.尽管他有很多缺点,她仍然爱他.
*With more money,Iwould be able to buy it.钱多一点的话,我就能买得起
该结构主要做状语 ,表示方式,原因,条件等,也可做定语但必须后置.认真观察下列句子,看with复合结构名次(或代词)的补语有什么词语充当,并注意该结构所表示的意义及在句中所起的作用.
*With a face all smiles (名词)he tild us that he had passed the entrance examination.
*Tom always sleeps with his eyes open.(形容词.)
*The boy ran out with nothing on.(副词)
*Do you know the women with a child in her arms.(介词短语)
*With these to help him(不定式) he tried to send picture of a face.
*With everyone supporting us (现在分词)we can certainly succeed.
*The man ws brought in with his hands tied behind his back.(过去分词)
*So it is with +宾格代词…某人的情况也如此.
---He is clever and likes English
___So it is with his brother.
*As is often the case (with sb..)对某人来说是常事.
AS is often the case with him,he is late again ,
As with…正如…的情形一样
As with young birds ,the time comes for young people to leave their famile
*It is the same with…某人的情况也如此.
——He likes football but doesn‘t like basketball.
____It is the same with his brother.
④主语 us
in指比较长的时间段,或较大的区域内,如in 2005/in the park
1. on,in,at表示时间
“当某时”,动名词, arrival,death前;early,late位句先②,用in一般“上”“下”“晚”;on用于天,in用于月、季、年③;限定三时in要变.④at是个时间点,“工作”“时刻”与“圣诞”⑤.at noon(night),in the day,习惯用语记心间.
Come tomorrow unless I phone [if I don’t phone]. 要是我没有打电话,明天就来.
You won’t catch the train unless you hurry [if you don’t hurry]. 你要是不赶快,你就赶不上火车了.
但是在下列情况下,通常要用 if ... not 而不用 unless:
1. 当所述条件要引出一种新的想法或情况(而不是结束已存在的想法或状态)时.如:
I’ll be angry if I’m not invited to the party. 如果不邀请我参加晚会,我会生气的.(即“不邀请我去参加晚会”会导致一种新情况——“我会生气”)
I will be surprised if he doesn’t have an accident. 他要是不出事,我倒感到奇怪了.(即“他不出事”会导致一种新情况——“我感到奇怪”)
2. 当要引出一个表示假想的(imaginary)条件句时.如:
If he weren’t so silly, he would understand. 他要不是那样傻的话,他就会明白了.(实际上他很傻)
If I hadn’t stopped her, she would have jumped down. 要不是我阻止了她,她就跳下去了.(实际上我阻止了她)
注:偶尔可见到 unless 用于假想条件句,但有不少语法家反对这一用法,建议学生不要模仿.顺便说一句,unless 有时用于引出一个补充前言的话(此时通常用破折号而不用逗号且不能用 if ... not 替换),此时若谈论的是过去的情况,注意不要与表示想象的条件句相混淆.如:
I couldn’t have got to the meeting on time — unless I had caught an earlier train. 我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较早的一班火车.(事实是“我”没有及时到会)
若将上句中的 unless 换为 if ... not,则意思有很大差别:
I couldn’t have got to the meeting on time if I had not caught an earlier train. 要是我没有赶上早一班火车,我就不可能及时到会了.(事实是“我”及时到会了)
⑧一, 理解宾语从句的概念
宾语从句通常由that, if, whether 和连接代词what, which, who, whom及连接副词when, where ,how, why等连接.其中that 连接一个陈述句做宾语,在中语中that可以省略;除that以外的连接词连接一个一般疑问句做宾语,且疑问句语序改为陈述句.连接代词及连接副词其实就是特殊疑问句的疑问代词和疑问副词,连接一个特殊疑问句做宾语,语序改为陈述句.
She knows (that) she should study hard.她知道她应该努力学习.
He asked me if he could come in.他问我他是否能进来 .
Can you tell me which class you are in? 你能告诉我,你在哪个班吗?
I know he lives in Xi'an 我知道他住在西安
I know he lived in Xi'an several years ago.我知道他几年前住在西安.
I know he has lived in Xi'an for ten years. 我知道他住在西安有十年了.
一般现在时----- 一般过去时
一般将来时----- 过去将来时
现在进行时 ---- 过去进行时
现在完成时 ---- 进去完成时
Lin Tao konos (现在时) who lives (现在时) here.
Lin Tao knew (过去时) who [u]lived (进去时) here.
He has said (现在完成时) that he has seen it .
He said that he had seen it .
I say that she is reading
I said that she was reading
<1> 陈述句; Lin Tao is a clever man.
宾语从句:He said that Lin Tao was a clever man.
<2> 一般疑问句:
Does he go home every day?
宾语从句:I wonder if / whether he goes home every day.
<3>特殊疑问句: What did she want to do?
宾语从句:I don't know what she wanted to do.
在进行句型转换和合并句子的训练中,有些人称, 地点状语,时间状语要根据主句做相应的变化.
<1> I will eat as much as I can,Polly says.
Polly says that she will eat as much as she can.
<2> I've lived here since I was 3 years old, Mike says.
Mike says that he has lived there since he was 3 years old.
<3>Lin Tao is singing now,he told me .
He told me that Lin Tao was singing at that moment.
文:沈超雄 来源:中基网 点击:75
宾语从句一直是初三英语教学的一个语法重点.在历届中考考题中占的比例很大, 也是学习的一个难点. 怎样才能系统地掌握宾语从句,在中考中提高宾语从句的正确率?
一, 理解宾语从句的概念
1.连接词br/>宾语从句通常由that, if, whether 和连接代词what, which, who, whom及连接副词when, where ,how, why等连接.其中that 连接一个陈述句做宾语,在中语中that可以省略;除that以外的连接词连接一个一般疑问句做宾语,且疑问句语序改为陈述句.连接代词及连接副词其实就是特殊疑问句的疑问代词和疑问副词,连接一个特殊疑问句做宾语,语序改为陈述句.
She knows (that) she should study hard.她知道她应该努力学习.
He asked me if he could come in.他问我他是否能进来 .
Can you tell me which class you are in? 你能告诉我,你在哪个班吗?
I know he lives in Xi'an 我知道他住在西安
I know he lived in Xi'an several years ago.我知道他几年前住在西安.
I know he has lived in Xi'an for ten years. 我知道他住在西安有十年了.
一般现在时----- 一般过去时
一般将来时----- 过去将来时
现在进行时 ---- 过去进行时
现在完成时 ---- 进去完成时
Lin Tao konos (现在时) who lives (现在时) here.
Lin Tao knew (过去时) who [u]lived (进去时) here.
He has said (现在完成时) that he has seen it .
He said that he had seen it .
I say that she is reading
I said that she was reading
<1> 陈述句; Lin Tao is a clever man.
宾语从句:He said that Lin Tao was a clever man.
<2> 一般疑问句:
Does he go home every day?
宾语从句:I wonder if / whether he goes home every day.
<3>特殊疑问句: What did she want to do?
宾语从句:I don't know what she wanted to do.
在进行句型转换和合并句子的训练中,有些人称, 地点状语,时间状语要根据主句做相应的变化.
<1> I will eat as much as I can,Polly says.
Polly says that she will eat as much as she can.
<2> I've lived here since I was 3 years old, Mike says.
Mike says that he has lived there since he was 3 years old.
<3>Lin Tao is singing now,he told me .
He told me that Lin Tao was singing at that moment.


楼上的回答已经很好了,但纠正一下第四个问题:这句话中,it是形式主语,他所代替的就是真正的主语,所以这句话的主语应为to finish the work in an hour这件事;而for是介词,介词后面接宾语,所以楼上说,“us是主语”显然是错的。取消形式主语的用法后句子应为:To finish/Finishing the work in an hour is impossible for u...


楼上的回答已经很好了,但纠正一下第四个问题:这句话中,it是形式主语,他所代替的就是真正的主语,所以这句话的主语应为to finish the work in an hour这件事;而for是介词,介词后面接宾语,所以楼上说,“us是主语”显然是错的。取消形式主语的用法后句子应为:To finish/Finishing the work in an hour is impossible for us.
