英语翻译1、I think would have enjoyed the movie we went to last night even more if i had read the book before seeing it.2、The suggestion that taxes should be cut was not accepted by the mayor who foresaw a deficit that was not yet public knowl

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:43:49

英语翻译1、I think would have enjoyed the movie we went to last night even more if i had read the book before seeing it.2、The suggestion that taxes should be cut was not accepted by the mayor who foresaw a deficit that was not yet public knowl
1、I think would have enjoyed the movie we went to last night even more if i had read the book before seeing it.
2、The suggestion that taxes should be cut was not accepted by the mayor who foresaw a deficit that was not yet public knowledge.

英语翻译1、I think would have enjoyed the movie we went to last night even more if i had read the book before seeing it.2、The suggestion that taxes should be cut was not accepted by the mayor who foresaw a deficit that was not yet public knowl
1/ I think would have enjoyed the movie we went to last night even more if i had read the book before seeing it.
2/ The suggestion that taxes should be cut was not accepted by the mayor who foresaw a deficit that was not yet public knowledge.

Abstract: this thesis select phthalic acid ester, ChanDing MBP) as a goal pollutant and ultra-high crosslinking resin NDA - 150 as adsorbent,


1 我想如果之前我读过这本书,昨晚的那部电影看起来就更有趣了。(意思是那部电影我就能理解)
2 降税之所以被市长否决了是因为他预见了潜在的财政赤字。



求英语翻译高手,I think I would say “YES”. 英语翻译 我想给他打电话更好 I think ___ would be better ___ ___ her 英语翻译Not in your side,I would think you‘‘Imiss`you! 英语翻译I don’t think that he would commint robbery,much less would he commint vionent robbery I must think so还是I would think so?原因? 英语翻译1:假如要说我以为你会什么什么.要用 I think you would...还是 I think you will.还是 I think you would have.还是说根据发生时间不同有区别呢?2:为什么“她最终肯定会看穿这个谎言”要用 She w 英语翻译谁能全部翻译成中文意思 要准确的.WHY WOULD I EVER,WHY WOULD I EVERWHY WOULD I EVER THINK OF LEAVING YOUWHY WOULD I EVER,WHY WOULD I EVERWHY WOULD I EVER THINK OF LEAVING YOUWAIT A MINUTE BABYTELL ME WHAT'S UP LATELYI BEEN KN One day,I would think you would like the crazy! 为什么是how i would think so而不是how would i think so i think i would love you ,however whatever whenever为什么会用 think and would 英语翻译Certainly no lawyer I think worth his weight in salt would recommend a plea to life without parole 英语翻译原文是:I should think that it would take at least 10pages in order to develop the topic. 英语翻译I don't think kids should have their fun past times discontinued,but head would can be serious . I think peter is 英语翻译 英语翻译I would say no 英语翻译I don’t think that he would commint robbery,much less would he commint vionent robbery(可能有打错的单词,不好意思.) I,like,would,to,you,tell,what,think,I I would like__maths,I think it's diffcult to learn