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在西方,礼仪一词,最早见于法语的Etiquette,原意为“法庭上的通行证”.但它一进入英文后,就有了礼仪的含义,意即“人际交往的通行证”.西方的文明史,同样在很大程度上表现着人类对礼仪追求及其演进的历史.人类为了维持与发展血缘亲情以外的各种人际关系,避免“格斗”或“战争”,逐步形成了各种与“格斗”、“战争”有关的动态礼仪.如为了表示自己手里没有武器,让对方感觉到自己没有恶意而创造了举手礼,后来演进为握手.为了表示自己的友好与尊重,愿在对方面前“丢盔卸甲”,于是创造了脱帽礼等. 在古希腊的文献典籍中,如苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等先哲的著述中,都有很多关于礼仪的论述.中世纪更是礼仪发展的鼎盛时代.文艺复兴以后,欧美的礼仪有了新的发展,从上层社会对遵循礼节的繁琐要求到20世纪中期对优美举止的赞赏,一直到适应社会平等关系的比较简单的礼仪规则.历史发展到今天,传统的礼仪文化不但没有随着市场经济发展和科技现代化而被抛弃,反而更加多姿多彩,国家有国家的礼制,民族有民族独特的礼仪习俗,各行各业都有自己的礼仪规范程式,国际上也有各国共同遵守的礼仪惯例.西方文化作品
西方文化从本质上看是个体文化.西方文化主要特征是具有个体性特性,其核心问题就在于西方强调个体自由度的发挥,所以,西方文化可称之为“个体文化”. 文化的核心是观念的共识,在当前的世界上,有两种不同的观念的共识,那就是东方文化的整体性和西方文化的个体性,它们是人类历史发展的结果.不同的政治、经济、社会环境造就了不同的文化观念,产生了不同特性的西方文化和东方文化.
西方文化图集(6张)东西方文化从现象上看,显然有很大差异,从本质上看,东方属于整体文化,而西方是个体文化.系统理论认为,整体文化和个体文化都是提高社会系统功效的重要因素,因此它们是互补的,是可以融合的.但东西方文化的互补和融合也是一个漫长的渐进的过程. 欲实现全球经济一体化,许多社会基本条件有待酝酿成熟,承认东西方文化差异,使东西方文化互补和融合便是重要一条. 东西方文化的互补和融合是实现全球经济一体化的文化基础.文化格格不入的国家之间很难实现经济一体化. 全球经济一体化进程需要东西方文化的互补和融合,同时,在全球经济一体化的进程中也促进了东西方文化的互补和融合.这是由于世界各国的社会经济、政治、文化的发展是互动的.这是一个良性循环的发展过程.正是由于东西方文化的相互促进、互相推动、使人类逐步向和谐世界发展.
[4]事实上历史也正是在这样做,西方文化在不断地向方东方文化学习,从东方文化中吸收有益的观念,融合在西方文化中.例如,一些西方国家也倡导 “雷锋精神” “团队精神”,引入东方文化的集体主义精神,一些资本主义国家的“国家干预”、“国有化”、“社会保障体系”等,本质上就是社会主义的东西.
Introduction to Western culture
In the West, the ritual word, was first seen in the French Etiquette, original intent was to pass on the court. After it entered the English meaning of the ritual, ...
Introduction to Western culture
In the West, the ritual word, was first seen in the French Etiquette, original intent was to pass on the court. After it entered the English meaning of the ritual, which means "pass" of the interpersonal. The history of Western civilization, the same to a large extent the performance of the human history of the of etiquette pursuit of its evolution. Human beings in order to maintain the development of relationships outside of the blood affection, to avoid "fighting" or "war", the gradual formation of the various "fighting", the "war" dynamic etiquette. In order to express their own hands no weapons, the other side feel that he did not maliciously create a salute, and later evolved into the handshake. To express their friendship and respect, is willing in each other's presence "to grief, thus creating a hat ceremony, etc.. In the literature of ancient Greece classics, such as the writings of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and other sages, there are a lot of discourse on etiquette. The Middle Ages is the peak times of the liturgical development. After the Renaissance, the etiquette of Europe and the United States has a new development from the cumbersome requirements of the upper classes of society to follow the etiquette to 20 by mid-century appreciation of the beautiful manners, has to adapt to social equality between the relatively simple rules of etiquette. Historical development to today, the traditional ceremonial culture not only with the market economic development and technological modernization has been abandoned, but more colorful, the state has the country's ritual system, ethnic nation unique ritual practices, all walks of life have their own etiquette program, the international practice of all countries to comply with the etiquette. Western cultural works
[2] Cultural Differences
Edit this paragraph Western cultural identity
Western Cultural History
Western culture from the point of view of the nature of individual culture. Western culture is characterized by individual characteristics, the core problem is that the Western emphasis on individual freedom of play, and Western culture can be called "individual culture". The core of culture is the concept of consensus in the current world, there are two different concepts of consensus, that is, the individuality of the integrity of the oriental culture and Western culture, they are the result of the historical development of mankind. Different political, economic, and social environment has created a different cultural values, different characteristics of Western culture and Eastern culture.
Edit this paragraph, the East-West cultural differences and complementarity
Atlas of Western culture (6) East-West cultural phenomenon point of view, obviously very different from the essence, the East is a whole culture, the West is the individual culture. Systems theory suggests that the overall cultural and individual culture to improve the efficacy of social systems are important factors, they are complementary, can be integrated. Complementarity and integration of Eastern and Western cultures is a long and gradual process. Want to achieve global economic integration, many of the basic social conditions to be matured to recognize the cultural differences of East and West, the East-West cultural complementarity and integration is an important one. Complementarity and integration of Eastern and Western cultures to achieve global economic integration and cultural foundation. Difficult to achieve economic integration between the culture alien to the country. Global economic integration process requires the complementarity and integration of Eastern and Western cultures, while in the process of global economic integration to promote the complementarity and integration of Eastern and Western cultures. This is due to the world socio-economic, political and cultural development is interactive. This is a virtuous cycle of development process. It is because of the Eastern and Western cultures and promote each other and promote each other, mankind gradually to the development of a harmonious world.
Edit this paragraph, the development of Western culture
Systems theory suggests that the overall cultural and individual culture to improve the efficacy of social systems are important factors, they are complementary, can be integrated. Both of which can not be neglected, Eastern and Western cultures in essence it can be said is complementary. Western liberalization and cultural backgrounds of capitalist society and the East as a whole as the cultural foundation of the socialist society, from the perspective of improving the efficacy of the social system, the two are not opposites, but complementary. The right direction, it should complement each other, learn from each other. Western cultural development
[4] In fact the history is also in doing so, Western culture is constantly learning to square Eastern culture, from the Eastern culture to absorb the useful concept of integration in Western culture. For example, some Western countries advocate the "Lei Feng Spirit" team spirit "and the introduction of the collective spirit of the oriental culture, capitalist countries," state intervention "," nationalization "and" social security system, in essence, social The doctrine of things.
在西方,礼仪一词,最早见于法语的Etiquette,原意为“法庭上的通行证”。但它一进入英文后,就有了礼仪的含义,意即“人际交往的通行证”。西方的文明史,同样在很大程度上表现着人类对礼仪追求及其演进的历史。人类为了维持与发展血缘亲情以外的各种人际关系,避免“格斗”或“战争”,逐步形成了各种与“格斗”、“战争”有关的动态礼仪。如为了表示自己手里没有武器,让对方感觉到自己没有恶意而创造了举手礼,后来演进为握手。为了表示自己的友好与尊重,愿在对方面前“丢盔卸甲”,于是创造了脱帽礼等。 在古希腊的文献典籍中,如苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等先哲的著述中,都有很多关于礼仪的论述。中世纪更是礼仪发展的鼎盛时代。文艺复兴以后,欧美的礼仪有了新的发展,从上层社会对遵循礼节的繁琐要求到20世纪中期对优美举止的赞赏,一直到适应社会平等关系的比较简单的礼仪规则。历史发展到今天,传统的礼仪文化不但没有随着市场经济发展和科技现代化而被抛弃,反而更加多姿多彩,国家有国家的礼制,民族有民族独特的礼仪习俗,各行各业都有自己的礼仪规范程式,国际上也有各国共同遵守的礼仪惯例。 西方文化作品
[2] 中西文化差异
西方文化从本质上看是个体文化。西方文化主要特征是具有个体性特性,其核心问题就在于西方强调个体自由度的发挥,所以,西方文化可称之为“个体文化”。 文化的核心是观念的共识,在当前的世界上,有两种不同的观念的共识,那就是东方文化的整体性和西方文化的个体性,它们是人类历史发展的结果。不同的政治、经济、社会环境造就了不同的文化观念,产生了不同特性的西方文化和东方文化。
西方文化图集(6张)东西方文化从现象上看,显然有很大差异,从本质上看,东方属于整体文化,而西方是个体文化。系统理论认为,整体文化和个体文化都是提高社会系统功效的重要因素,因此它们是互补的,是可以融合的。但东西方文化的互补和融合也是一个漫长的渐进的过程。 欲实现全球经济一体化,许多社会基本条件有待酝酿成熟,承认东西方文化差异,使东西方文化互补和融合便是重要一条。 东西方文化的互补和融合是实现全球经济一体化的文化基础。文化格格不入的国家之间很难实现经济一体化。 全球经济一体化进程需要东西方文化的互补和融合,同时,在全球经济一体化的进程中也促进了东西方文化的互补和融合。这是由于世界各国的社会经济、政治、文化的发展是互动的。这是一个良性循环的发展过程。正是由于东西方文化的相互促进、互相推动、使人类逐步向和谐世界发展。
系统理论认为,整体文化和个体文化都是提高社会系统功效的重要因素,因此它们是互补的,是可以融合的。这两者都不能偏废,因此,东西方文化从本质上看可以说是互补的。以西方自由化为文化背景的资本主义社会与东方以整体化为文化基础的社会主义社会,从提高社会系统功效的角度来看,两者也不是对立的,而是互补的。正确的发展方向,应该是互相取长补短,相互学习。 西方文化发展历程
[4]事实上历史也正是在这样做,西方文化在不断地向方东方文化学习,从东方文化中吸收有益的观念,融合在西方文化中。例如,一些西方国家也倡导 “雷锋精神” “团队精神”,引入东方文化的集体主义精神,一些资本主义国家的“国家干预”、“国有化”、“社会保障体系”等,本质上就是社会主义的东西。
People in different cultural backgrounds to communicate is multination communication. Different countries have different historical backgrounds, customs, traditions, cultures , therefore, the translat...
People in different cultural backgrounds to communicate is multination communication. Different countries have different historical backgrounds, customs, traditions, cultures , therefore, the translators engaged in international business must understand their cultural differences and exotic. These differences in interpretation and tried to make it disappeare the process of translating in the target language, and find out the exact words, so different cultures, which is reproduced in the target language. Language is part of culture, also the carrier of culture, which plays an important cultural role. Language translation is not only the international exchange of the two languages, but two cultures relay. Culture in Translation is a factor which should not be ignored, as a famous translator Eugene Nita said: "To really do a good translation, master two languages, two cultures, even more important aspect, because the terms only used in a particular culture to be meaningful. "Business English translation of the international must pay attention to the transmission of cultural information. According to the international business English translation 4Es standards and to ensure that cultural and other information equivalent. However, in practice, and sometimes cultural information is difficult to convey to the target language and the results of such standards will not be fully done.