what's for breakfast today?Ait's a cup of milk C bread ,milk and hamburgers选哪个
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:25:16
what's for breakfast today?Ait's a cup of milk C bread ,milk and hamburgers选哪个
what's for breakfast today?Ait's a cup of milk C bread ,milk and hamburgers选哪个
what's for breakfast today?Ait's a cup of milk C bread ,milk and hamburgers选哪个
选项: A 它是一杯牛奶 C 面包,牛奶,汉堡
c,啊 不然选什么
C 早餐食物
What's for breakfast?翻译成中文
What's for the breakfast?改错
What's for the breakfast?Some cakes.
what's for breakfast?为什么要加for,what's breakfast不行吗?
what's for breakfast用英语怎么说重赏,给你20
what's for breakfast?答句怎么回答?
改错:What's for the breakfast?Some cakes.如题
改错:What's for the breakfast?Some cakes.
I like bread for breakfast.[对划线部分(bread)提问]是What do you like for breakfast?还是What's do you like for breakfast?
What's for today's breakfast?和what's today's breakfast?是不是相同的意思?语法什么的都正确吗?
It's time for breakfast.中的for breakfast是什么意思
英语翻译Mun,what's for breakfast?Whose sweater is on the table?
what's breakfast for today用这四个词连词成句,最后标点是句号
3.What’s for breakfast?( ).4.The Chinese usually use( ).
“What would you like for breakfast today?
what did she have for breakfast是什么意思?
what do you usually have for breakfast
What do you eat for breakfast?