_Simon like to go swimming,用Does 还是is

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_Simon like to go swimming,用Does 还是is
_Simon like to go swimming,用Does 还是is

_Simon like to go swimming,用Does 还是is
Yes,she、he does
Simon likes to go swimming



_Simon like to go swimming,用Does 还是is go to sw to do sth --! What does simon like to do go on a visit to sw是否等于travel to sw 去某地观光能否译为go sightseeing to sw? If Simon__time next weekend,he will go to the zoo. 填空:Which ( )(组,队) would you like?Simon( )(not like) to drink orange juice.The boy ( )(go) home at 4:30 in the afternoon. simon is going to go swimming改为同义句 Simon often ____ ,I am generous .I like to ____ nice presents to my friends when I go to Simon often ____ ,I am generous .I like to ____ nice presents to my friends when I go to visit themA.tells ; carry B.speaks ; bring C.says ; talk D.says ; ge Simon would like to use his dictionary with Mary 为什么visit sw.中sw.是作宾语,而go to sw.中to sw.是作状语?那look forward to sth.中 to sth.做什么成分?不及物动词+介词+宾语 都是作状语的么? 把Simon would like to use the computer with Mary改同义句,Simon would like to ( ) the computer ( ) Mary. Simon would like to use his dictionary with Mary.(同义句)Simon would like to ______ his dictionary ______Mary Simon often__,“l'm generous .l like to__nice presents to my friends when l go to visit them.” A.Simon often__,“l'm generous .l like to__nice presents to my friends when l go to visit them.”A.tells;carry B.speaks;bring C.says;take D.talks;get 不及物动词+介词+宾语,是作状语还是什么?例如go to sw.中 to sw.是作状语么?为什么不是作宾语?又如like to do sth中 to do sth 是作什么成分啊?是不是应该做宾语?这应该怎么理解啊?look forward to sth.中 Like to go head towards sw 和 go towards sw 一样吗 1.I would like to have a rest at this moment.I __ __ having a rest at this moment.2.Simon worked1.I would like to have a rest at this moment.I __ __ having a rest at this moment.2.Simon worked hard so that he could pass the exam.Simon worked hard _