请帮忙将英语翻译为汉语. 满意追加得分. 谢谢大家啦~The core competencies are the organization’s major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine its competitive weapons. As for Alibaba, the company’s cor

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 19:28:00

请帮忙将英语翻译为汉语. 满意追加得分. 谢谢大家啦~The core competencies are the organization’s major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine its competitive weapons. As for Alibaba, the company’s cor
请帮忙将英语翻译为汉语. 满意追加得分. 谢谢大家啦~
The core competencies are the organization’s major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine its competitive weapons. As for Alibaba, the company’s core competencies are technology, mechanism, and culture; especially the company’s culture.
Intel maintains the absolute leading position because of its strong technology research system. In the information society, Alibaba’s rapid development relies on the technological innovation. Mechanism is the protection of core competence. Any of the core competitive edge is dynamic, and it is impossible to live forever. Therefore, the mechanism of the company maintains the sustained innovation, and creates competitive advantage constantly. Culture, which is the most important one as Alibaba’s CEO Mayun said, is the cradle of the core competence. It is a comprehensive concept, including the personality of the company, the style of leadership and management. Alibaba use its culture to stimulate employee’s enthusiasm for business, and make them share the same objective and achieve a win-win situation. Culture has been Alibaba’s soft management to create a atmosphere of learning and innovation.

请帮忙将英语翻译为汉语. 满意追加得分. 谢谢大家啦~The core competencies are the organization’s major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine its competitive weapons. As for Alibaba, the company’s cor

请帮忙将英语翻译为汉语. 满意追加得分. 谢谢大家啦~The core competencies are the organization’s major value-creating skills, capabilities, and resources that determine its competitive weapons. As for Alibaba, the company’s cor 英语翻译请大家帮忙用英文翻译“顾客满意度将上升 1.3个单位”. 英语翻译请帮忙翻译成汉语 英语翻译请不要用翻译的软件翻译,自己亲自翻译满意追加50分 英语翻译请将下列汉语翻译为英语短语~1.开启.之门2.使某人想起...3.心不在焉 求高手证明下面的命题,其中[x]为高斯整函数,如有满意证明将追加分数 英语翻译帮忙翻译成汉语! 英语翻译英语翻译为汉语. 英译汉,满意追加得分. 谢谢大家.请不要机器翻译.谢谢~Company’s culture is defined as “A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of externa 英语翻译请说汉语 帮忙中译英一封信(至美国的)请各位帮我翻译这封给美国友人的信 如果有不通的地方请自行变通 并将您所翻译的中文 注解上 谢谢了 满意追加和长年合作你好接到你的email非常高兴 非常想念 请帮忙提供奖品采购方案单位将举行知识竞赛,本人负责奖品采购,奖品设置如下:一等奖为得分最高的小组,每人奖品价值150元,共600元;二等奖为得分排名第二的小组,每人奖品价值100元,共400 英语翻译请帮忙翻译越南语Anh con yeu e khong,e phai lam khong muon ve o nha a choi dau.为汉语. 急需读后感 谢谢您 我将给您追加20分 如果满意将在追加分数 请帮忙英语翻译:司机将到机场准时接客人 请帮忙英语翻译 :司机将准时接送客人 英语翻译请帮忙将英文名字翻译成中文念法 有谁能帮忙设计公司标志 公司名称叫金马.标志为做名片宣传页用,如果我觉得满意再追加150分是物流公司天津的