
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 03:01:16


if given a time machine,i would definitly back to the era of tang dynaty to see wuzetian regenting the court,who was the one and only true empress in china history,today's society advocate the equailty of males and females,whereas the females still take no place in the politc.the paramouor power of the nations are mostly exersiced by the males,notwithstanding wu ascend the throne by coup,but her postion could not be ignored.wu installed lots of preminent officals to rule the country,reform the civil exam,and boost the status of jinshi(pinyi,the ones who perform best in the civil exam),giving the chance to the needy to change their fates by their talents.desipte her being lady,she ruled the nation oderly.on ac 685.wu sent two pandas to japan,which marked the beginning the "panda daplomcy" of china.i really want go back to the tang dynasty,to witness her desires for the power and the wielding of the power(once belonged only to the men,我加的)

If you give me a time machine, I will go to see the tang dynasty of China, the brilliance of wu zetian exists only in Chinese history of orthodox female emperor. In today's society while advocating eq...


If you give me a time machine, I will go to see the tang dynasty of China, the brilliance of wu zetian exists only in Chinese history of orthodox female emperor. In today's society while advocating equality between men and women, but in most countries, women in politics still no status, the country's supreme leadership is still mostly male master. Though wu zetian belongs to reigned for, but took also cannot ignore she's importance in history. Wu appointed a lot to reform the princes, the imperial examination, improve the position, make a jinshi from those HanMen people have the opportunity to display. Although she is a woman can handle the affairs of state will be in order. In A.D., wu zetian had 685 pandas will be given in Japan, the "panda diplomacy". Think back to the period, wanted to see her for power and control of strong ability for power.


If you give me a time machine, I will go to China to see the Wu Tang dynasty in power, glory, that the only legitimate Chinese history, the female emperor. Although the promotion of gender equality in...


If you give me a time machine, I will go to China to see the Wu Tang dynasty in power, glory, that the only legitimate Chinese history, the female emperor. Although the promotion of gender equality in today's society, but in most countries, women still nothing in the political status of country's top leadership is still mostly male master. Although Wu is usurped the throne to take over position, but can not ignore the importance of her history.Wu Xian Chen to govern the appointment of a number of the world, reform of civil service exams, to improve the status of Imperial, so that the people who came from a poor family who had the opportunity to show their talents. Although she is a woman able to handle state affairs in order. AD 685, the Empress Wu had also the two giant pandas presented to the Japanese, creating China's "panda diplomacy." Think back to that time, would like to see her desire for power and control capability for the power of the powerful.


if given a time machine, i would definitly back to the era of tang dynaty to see wuzetian regenting the court,who was the one and only true empress in china history,today's society advocate the equail...


if given a time machine, i would definitly back to the era of tang dynaty to see wuzetian regenting the court,who was the one and only true empress in china history,today's society advocate the equailty of males and females,whereas the females still take no place in the politc.the paramouor power of the nations are mostly exersiced by the males,notwithstanding wu ascend the throne by coup,but her postion could not be ignored.wu installed lots of preminent officals to rule the country,reform the civil exam,and boost the status of jinshi(pinyi,the ones who perform best in the civil exam),giving the chance to the needy to change their fates by their talents.desipte her being lady,she ruled the nation oderly.on ac 685.wu sent two pandas to japan,which marked the beginning the "panda daplomcy" of china.i really want go back to the tang dynasty,to witness her desires for the power and the wielding of the power(once belonged only to the men,


英语翻译关于武则天与现代女性地位如果给我一个时光机,我一定会去中国的唐朝一睹武则天当政的光彩,那个中国历史上唯一一个正统的女皇帝.当今社会虽然提倡男女平等,但在大多数国家, 关于greatly 比较级的用法,怎样在句子中使用我想翻译的句子是,现代女性的地位比起那个时代提高了很多The status of modern women improves greatly than that of age. 中国现代女性如何将传统美德传承与弘扬? 英语翻译关于艺术的,如果可以的话留邮箱,我给您发过去. 英语翻译:如果那是狗,可以给我 英语翻译如果还有关于人为破坏导致海啸的英文句子也给我好啦.不要用金山词霸. 英语翻译他说:“我去过意大利.”并且给我讲一讲关于间接引语的主句与从句的时态问题。 英语翻译请帮我把(如果你爱她 就请给她全部与幸福)翻译成英文 如果你能给我提一些如何与人沟通的建议的话,我将不胜感激的英语翻译 英语翻译“拥有知识和技术的现代女性对男性构成了很大的挑战,甚至是威胁”正确的答案 英语翻译如果能给我全文的译文,一定感激不尽! 英语翻译如果愿意的话请给我下邮箱, 英语翻译:“如果方便的话,把我的东西给我” 如果你想知道更多关于我的事 英语翻译 法国的经济地位与人口密度ps:我预备 关于包豪斯的地位和意义如何理解包豪斯在世界艺术史上的地位与意义? 试论述工程地质勘察工作建设中的地位与作用,工程地质勘查基本内容有哪些?答案正确我的分全给 什么是非涂布印刷纸?我在写一篇关于造纸的论文,如果大家有更好的文章或名人名言或关于造纸的书籍,请多多告诉我给我,请与27日前发表给我!