1.The most of this time he ( ) was that he spared from his playing time A.made to learning B.took to learn C.took to learing D.made to learn2.Never should we forget about the war in Iraq and the sufferings ( ) caused to the people thereA.it B.which C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 23:43:13

1.The most of this time he ( ) was that he spared from his playing time A.made to learning B.took to learn C.took to learing D.made to learn2.Never should we forget about the war in Iraq and the sufferings ( ) caused to the people thereA.it B.which C
1.The most of this time he ( ) was that he spared from his playing time
A.made to learning B.took to learn C.took to learing D.made to learn
2.Never should we forget about the war in Iraq and the sufferings ( ) caused to the people there
A.it B.which C.thar D.what
3.As a result of our serious staffing shortages,the station has arisen( ) we have to hire graduating college students for help.
A.that B.when C.where D.as
4.---The thread of my kite broke and it flew away.
----I had told you it would easily break ( ) it was the weakest.
A.when B.where C.unless D.since
5.Those who were left alone in the cave knew better than others ( ) sounds bats in the dark made.
A.that frightening B.which frightening C.what frightening D.how frightening

1.The most of this time he ( ) was that he spared from his playing time A.made to learning B.took to learn C.took to learing D.made to learn2.Never should we forget about the war in Iraq and the sufferings ( ) caused to the people thereA.it B.which C
1.make to do sth 是把sth用来做某事的意思 句子意思是“他大多数用来学习的时间是从玩的时间里节省下来的”.
2..开头的一个倒装句 意思是“我们不应该忘记发生在IRAP的战争以及它给我们带来的伤害” 它指代前面的战争 如果说把战争当中心语可以.
3..station 是地点模糊概念的名词 如family spot job 等在后面接上一个完整的句子则用 where 连接 3符合“ we have to hire graduating college students for help.”是完整的句子.
4.大意是风筝的线断了 另一个人说线在最细薄的地方容易断掉.用where表示线上的一段或某处地方.
5.“独自留在山洞里的人比其他人都清楚蝙蝠的声音在黑夜中听起来有多么令人害怕”而“what frightening sounds”为一个整体 意为多么令人害怕的声音 后面接上“bats--made"为一个句子.

1."make the most of "是“尽最大的努力”而to learn 是不定式作目的状语。
2.it 是指the war 。先行词是sufferings,关系代词that 省略。
4.where 还是引导地点状语从句。修饰动词break.
5.what frightening引导的是宾语从句,...


1."make the most of "是“尽最大的努力”而to learn 是不定式作目的状语。
2.it 是指the war 。先行词是sufferings,关系代词that 省略。
4.where 还是引导地点状语从句。修饰动词break.
5.what frightening引导的是宾语从句,作knew 的宾语。


1.The most of this time he made to learn was that he spared from his playing time
to learn在这里是不定式表目的 所以不要往make短语上去想 没有任何关系 其实主干是the time he made (他花费的时间),他花费的时间去干什么啊? 所以后面再加上 the time he made to l...


1.The most of this time he made to learn was that he spared from his playing time
to learn在这里是不定式表目的 所以不要往make短语上去想 没有任何关系 其实主干是the time he made (他花费的时间),他花费的时间去干什么啊? 所以后面再加上 the time he made to learn,整体又作了一个主语而已
2 it代替前面的the war. 其实应该有个定于从句引导词that,但是省略掉了 其实很常见 比如 the first thing you need to do
3 这道题考查定于从句 只要从句是完整的 (主谓宾,主系表,或主语+不及物动词)一定用副词 (how when where什么的)
4 这道题的道理和3一样,根据句意判断出是where 而不是 when
5 这句话部分倒装 正常的顺序是better than others放在最后 但是如果better than others放在后面的话 有点头重脚轻的感觉 英语的习惯这样放,比较美观 但是结构看起来就很难了 这道题只要看出来就不难了 考的是宾语从句


This seat is of the two.1.more comfortable 2.the most comfortable3.the more comfortable 4.most comfeotable this isn't very interesting for most of us.翻译 This is the most terrible dream I _____(have).I don't want to think of it any more 1._____englishmen like beer.a.most b.most of the c.most of d.the most2.this is one of ______ interesing books on your subject.a.the most b.the most of the c.most d.most of the能不能告诉我为什么选A?这几个词各是什么意思,有什么区 This is the most important e______ of the year. 根据首字母填词 1.we should learn the s___ of helping others.2.most animals don't like to live in f___ conditions.3.many c___ reached the top of the mountain this morning. 根据句意写短语.1.This film is the most _______(arousing most interest) of all.2.The ______(being tall or high) of the boy is 174 cm. 填两个空 English~You must finish at _____(little) most of the work by the end of this week.Fish can't live ___water. This is one of the most famous( )in China.(church) You are the most beautiful scenery of this life, this is one of the most famous---------(hero) names I know most of the ____ in this hospital. make the most of this situation意思,谢谢 This isn’t the most difficult one of the new words that ______ me in the passage.A.puzzled B.puzzles C.is puzzling D.have puzzled I know _____the people in this place.A most B the most of C most of D more 英语题目 修改病句:1.This house built 40 years ago.对了,还有:2.Football plays in most countries of the world.3.I see him in London the other day.4.They aren't enough serious at that age. what' t the most exciting league of all? It's one of the most (t ) stories .