Do you have any idea what is actually going on in the classroom?翻译,WHICH可替放WHAT吗
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:53:00
Do you have any idea what is actually going on in the classroom?翻译,WHICH可替放WHAT吗
Do you have any idea what is actually going on in the classroom?翻译,WHICH可替放WHAT吗
Do you have any idea what is actually going on in the classroom?翻译,WHICH可替放WHAT吗
不可以。因为在which不做疑问词的情况下,描述的是具体的物件,比如the book which is in your left hand. 但这个句子问的是在问发生了什么,而不是具体描述一样物体或事件,所以用what。
如果这句话是第一句话的话 用WHICH就不合适了 我认为是这样的 哈
翻译do you have any specifc idea
have you any idea&do you have any idea 两种都可以?第一句想不通.
Do you have any i___ (idea还是ideas)
– Do you have any idea which to choose?
Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?
do you have any idea do you know about.what do you thingk?
do you have any idea of.句子中idea为什么用单数
do you have any idea.短语中的idea后用加s吗是不是等于do you know呢
do you have any.
Do you have any
idea为什么是可数,如Do you kids have any ideas?
DO you have any idea in which she will be back form abroad哪里错
Do you have any idea 这道题是不是有点不对,如果对的话
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what time do you have 与 Any idea what it is 是相同意思吗
do you have any idea about painting this red or pink?这句话对吗?
why_he_?do you have any idea?用leave天空,改用什么时态?
Do you have any idea what a story like this will do to me怎么解读此句语法